Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable script_redirect que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
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Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable myurl que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
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Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable script_redirect que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
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Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable myurl que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable script_redirect que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable myurl que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable script_redirect que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable myurl que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable script_redirect que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable myurl que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable script_redirect que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable myurl que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable script_redirect que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable myurl que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable script_redirect que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Erreur de session n° SESSION4:
La variable myurl que vous souhaitez valoriser n'existe pas dans la zone |root|.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez la doc en ligne

Recherche sur pro bildung schule - Documentation PDF

Recherche sur pro bildung schule


Privacy Notice Japanese Jp
Privacy Notice Japanese Jp
09/10/2024 -
?g[?T0Q0?0?0?0?0k0J0Q0?P N?`?X1O?w0k??0Y0??w? 0S0S0g0o0HTC 0n??T?0~0_0o0?0?0?0?0k???#0Y0??g[?T0Q0?0?0?0?0kO40F`?X1O?T0k0J0Q0? HTC 0n0?0?0?0?0?0?ac?L0k0d 0D0f0?0??s0W0O??f0W0~0Y0HTC 0k0?0?N?,v?0j`?X10nS??0hQ?t0nac?L0k0d0D0f0o0HTC 0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?S?qg 0W0f0O0`0U0D0 P N?0?0?0n0?S??0W0fQ?t0Y0?tu10h0o? _ y>0n??T?0~0_0o0?0?0?0?0k0d0D0f0J[?i?0L??lB0?u30Wz?0f0?0U0?0?X4T0k00J[?i?0nP N?`?X10L0?0?0?0?0?0~0_0o0?0? 0?0?0?0k0f_ y>0kc?O?0U0?0?0S0h0L0B0?0~0Y00S0n`?X10k0o00_0h0H0p0J[?i?0nT RM00?0?0?0?0?0?0?0OOb@0???qujS?0 0?0?0?0?0n?XR%[P?0?0?0?0?0n IMEI 0?0?0?0?0?ujS?0j0i? 0O?0n??T?0?0?0?0?0?00?0?0?0?0?{?t0Y0?0_0??0Y0y0f0nu30Wz?0f0?V?S?0~0_0oT???0n{?t0?T+0?? ?? 0J[?i?0K0?0nu30Wz?0f0??UO?0W0f?ng?0Y0?0_0? ??...

Content Creation Studio Solutions Guide It
Content Creation Studio Solutions Guide It
09/10/2024 -
Sfrutta le potenzialit? delle lezioni e dei contenuti registrati Soluzioni personalizzate per aiutare il corpo docente a registrare contenuti in facolt? o fuori sede Trasforma sale conferenze, uffici e spazi didattici condivisi in strutture di produzione completamente attrezzate con accessori Logitech di qualit? professionale. VIDEOCAMERE BRIO 505 BRIO 4K PRO LOGITECH REACH Grazie a inquadratura automatica, correzione automatica dell'illuminazione e microfoni con riduzione del rumore, questa webcam plug-and-play semplifica la registrazione di alta qualit?. Il corpo docente pu? creare contenuti di un livello superiore con ShowMode, che consente di inclinare la videocamera verso la scrivania...

Reach Datasheet It
Reach Datasheet It
09/10/2024 -
Logitech Reach Videocamera per contenuti regolabile per attivit? di insegnamento e dimostrazione DIDATTICA SENZA LIMITI Logitech Reach ? una videocamera flessibile e intuitiva. Sviluppata in collaborazione con gli insegnanti per gli insegnanti, ? stata progettata specificamente per adattarsi agli utilizzi didattici. La comodit? d'uso con una sola mano consente ai docenti di spostare il dispositivo in verticale, in orizzontale e con una rotazione completa di 360?. SCOPRI LOGITECH REACH FACILE DA POSIZIONARE IN UN SOLO MOVIMENTO VISUALE NITIDA DA OGNI PUNTO DI VISTA ZOOM SENZA TENTENNAMENTI VISUALE REALE Basta afferrare l'anello della videocamera per spostarla lungo il piano orizzontale...

Ifp Solution Guide It
Ifp Solution Guide It
09/10/2024 -
Nuove esperienze di apprendimento con gli schermi piatti interattivi Collega gli strumenti giusti al tuo sistema interattivo a schermo piatto Nell'87% delle aule ? installato almeno uno schermo interattivo. Le ricerche mostrano che questi dispositivi aiutano a stimolare l'interesse della classe. Unendo il giusto mix di soluzioni Logitech ai sistemi interattivi a schermo piatto, gli studenti possono vedere e ascoltare chiaramente, mentre l'insegnante pu? spostarsi liberamente all'interno dell'aula durante la lezione, per coinvolgere meglio gli studenti. PERMETTI AGLI STUDENTI DI VEDERE E ASCOLTARE CHIARAMENTE Dotare le aule di una videocamera per videoconferenze apre la strada a opportunit?...

Promote Inclusive Learning Enviornments
Promote Inclusive Learning Enviornments
09/10/2024 -
Promuovi ambienti didattici inclusivi Celebra le differenze degli studenti con tecnologie per l'apprendimento che si adattano alle esigenze di sviluppo e alle preferenze di ciascuno Il percorso di ogni studente ? unico. Una tecnologia flessibile e intuitiva adatta l'apprendimento in base alle capacit? motorie, alle esigenze di sviluppo e alle preferenze degli studenti in fatto di espressione delle conoscenze. Libera il potenziale di ogni studente con strumenti che vengono loro incontro. AIUTA GLI STUDENTI A VEDERE E FARSI VEDERE La tecnologia immersiva di collaborazione video rende l'apprendimento pi? accessibile, migliorando la concentrazione e l'interazione ovunque si svolga. SOLUZIONI...

Classroom Now Article
Classroom Now Article
09/10/2024 -
ARTICLE Classroom of the Now Creating flexible learning environments for better learning outcomes School administrators, educators, guardians of school-aged children, and students can all agree that education has changed. As progress in overcoming the pandemic continues, today's technology opens up exciting new ways to move forward better than before. Learning is no longer bound by the physical walls of a classroom. Instead, learning happens with a high level of flexibility and collaboration that extends student capabilities and extends opportunities to more students. CHANGING SOLUTIONS FOR A CHANGING CLASSROOM As schools move into the post-pandemic era, they must strategically choose what...

Logitech Classroom Setup For Success Stem Infographic
Logitech Classroom Setup For Success Stem Infographic
09/10/2024 -
4 CONFIGURAZIONI PER POTENZIARE LE DISCIPLINE STEM Promuovi il successo nelle discipline STEM fornendo agli insegnanti la giusta tecnologia. S T E M SCIENCE (SCIENZE) TECHNOLOGY (TECNOLOGIA) ENGINEERING (INGEGNERIA) MATHEMATICS (MATEMATICA) SCIENCE (SCIENZE) Quando le lezioni di scienze vengono fatte utilizzando strumenti come custodie protettive per iPad e cuffie con microfono ottimizzate per la chiarezza delle comunicazioni vocali, gli studenti osservano, esplorano e sperimentano le scienze in nuovi modi. Il 77% degli studenti ha affermato che ? pi? facile concentrarsi con Logitech Zone Learn rispetto alle cuffie con microfono o auricolari che utilizzavano in precedenza1 TROVA....

Pro Bildung Schule
Pro Bildung Schule
09/10/2024 -
CONNECTING YOUTH LOGITECH E ZOOM METTONO IN CONTATTO GLI STUDENTI DI TRE PAESI DIVERSI. Quando si sono visti per la prima volta sullo schermo, gli studenti, che si trovavano in paesi diversi, hanno reagito in modo incredibilmente toccante. Molti pi? studenti dovrebbero vivere quest'esperienza, non solo quelli che frequentano le lezioni di inglese.   Christian Rausch insegnante di inglese e filosofia presso l'istituto Alter Teichweg di Amburgo, Germania Pro Bildung Schule, responsabile del progetto Connecting Youth , ? un'iniziativa con sede ad Amburgo (Germania) che mira a supportare e ottimizzare l'istruzione scolastica per un migliore apprendimento digitale. SITO WEB SEDE Amburgo,...

Logitech Google Beyond Borders Case Study
Logitech Google Beyond Borders Case Study
09/10/2024 -
ECOLE-COLL?GE SAINT-JOSEPH, ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO GAMBETTOLA PROGRAMMA DI SCAMBIO DIGITALE: TUTTA LA POTENZA DELLE CLASSI IBRIDE CON LOGITECH E GOOGLE FOR EDUCATION L'obiettivo finale ? scoprire in che modo la tecnologia e la digitalizzazione possono aggiungere valore, non solo in termini di apprendimento ma anche di relazioni tra gli studenti .  Daniel Pretto Direttore della scuola di Saint-Joseph L'?cole-Coll?ge Saint-Joseph si trova nella citt? di Le Mans, in Francia, e accoglie oltre 1.000 studenti. L'Istituto Comprensivo di Gambettola ha sede in Emilia Romagna e ospita 1.100 studenti. Entrambe le scuole includono classi dalla primaria alla secondaria di primo grado. SITI WEB ...

Collaboration Guide Infographic
Collaboration Guide Infographic
08/10/2024 -
Guide de la collaboration: Les outils essentiels au travail flexible Les employ?s ont besoin de technologies plus efficaces ? domicile et au bureau Nos statistiques le prouvent Les employ?s qui travaillent ? domicile sont souvent confront?s ? des limitations et ? des d?fis qui affectent leur productivit?*. 85 % 89 % 77 % rencontrent des probl?mes de son rencontrent des probl?mes de vid?o rencontrent des probl?mes d'ergonomie MOINS DE 40 % re?oivent des webcams ou des casques qui am?liorent leur exp?rience audio et vid?o Pour en savoir plus sur les d?fis auxquels les employ?s sont confront?s, lisez notre ?tude. ?QUIPER VOS EMPLOY?S POUR LE TRAVAIL HYBRIDE Comment am?liorer l'exp?rience...

HTC 10 User Guide O80
HTC 10 User Guide O80
08/10/2024 -
User guide HTC 10 2 Contents Contents What's new Android 8.0 9 Unboxing and setup HTC 10 11 Back panel 12 Card tray 12 nano SIM card 13 Storage card 15 Charging the battery 17 Switching the power on or off 17 Setting up HTC 10 for the first time 18 Adding your social networks, email accounts, and more 19

Tap Accessories
Tap Accessories
07/10/2024 -
DATENBLATT ZUBEH?R F?R LOGITECH TOUCH-CONTROLLER Mit einer Reihe von Optionen f?r FLEXIBLE PLATZIERUNG DES TOUCHCONTROLLERS die Montage und Verkabelung Logitech Tap und Tap IP Touch-Controller erm?glichen die Teilnahme k?nnen Sie Tap oder Tap IP Touchper Tastendruck und bieten f?r die Konferenzrauml?sungen von Google Controller in fast jeden Raum Meet!", Microsoft Teams?, Zoom!" und andere Videokonferenzdienste ein einheitliches Erlebnis in allen Videokonferenzr?umen. Und dank des installieren und befestigen. Das Zubeh?rs f?r Logitech Touch-Controller k?nnen Sie Tap oder Tap IP ganz Zubeh?r f?r Logitech Touchbequem neben den Teilnehmern platzieren und eine L?sung f?r R?ume jeder Form und Gr??e...

07/10/2024 -
WINDOWS DATENBLATT LOGITECH L?SUNGEN F?R MICROSOFT TEAMS ROOMS UNTER WINDOWS Verwandeln Sie m?helos jeden Raum in einen Microsoft Teams?-Raum unter Windows? mit Teilnahme durch einfache Ber?hrung oder ?ber Proximity Join, Teilen von Inhalten ?ber Kabel und kabellos sowie zentraler Steuerung ?ber Tap. Logitech? Rauml?sungen sind f?r R?ume jeder Gr??e mit passendem Zubeh?r erh?ltlich. VORKONFIGURIERTE VIDEOKONFERENZEN F?R KONFERENZR?UME Logitech Rauml?sungen f?r Microsoft Teams umfassen alles, was Sie zum Ausr?sten von Konferenzr?umen jeder Form und Gr??e brauchen  einen Mini-PC, eine PC-Halterung, eine Ultra-HD-ConferenceCam von Logitech mit RightSense!" Technologien und den Logitech Tap...

Zone 305 Datasheet
Zone 305 Datasheet
07/10/2024 -
Datenblatt Zone 305 Zone 305 ist f?r f?hrende Gesch?ftsanwendungen und Anrufplattformen zertifiziert und ideal f?r den Masseneinsatz. Dieses ultraleichte kabellose Headset bietet hervorragenden Klang und zuverl?ssige Verbindungen f?r klare und unterbrechungsfreie Anrufe. "Z  ertifiziert f?r Business: Zone 305 wird derzeit f?r Microsoft Teams ?ber natives Bluetooth1 ohne Dongle zertifiziert. Zone 305 ist au?erdem zertifiziert f?r Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meetund Google Voice mit dem Plug-andPlay-Empf?nger1. "D  eutlich geh?rt werden: Ihre Stimme wird von zwei Mikrofonen mit Ger?uschunterdr?ckung am ausgefahrenen B?gel erfasst und durch unseren speziell entwickelten Algorithmus zur...

Logitech Zone Product Family Brochure
Logitech Zone Product Family Brochure
07/10/2024 -
L?SUNGEN F?R UNTERNEHMEN: PERS?NLICHER ARBEITSBEREICH IHR NEUER PERS?NLICHER ARBEITSBEREICH Je st?rker sich die Belegschaft in dauerhafteren Hybridmodellen neu strukturiert, desto weniger sinnvoll sind einheitliche L?sungen f?r den Arbeitsplatz. Deshalb entwickelt Logitech Technologiel?sungen, die die Menschen in den Vordergrund stellen, damit diese von ?berall aus kreativ zusammenarbeiten k?nnen. Unsere Komplettl?sungen f?r den pers?nlichen Arbeitsbereich unterst?tzen Ihr Team dabei, in einer flexibleren Arbeitsumgebung die bestm?gliche Arbeit zu leisten. WAS UNS AUSZEICHNET Bieten Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern die M?glichkeit, ihre Aufgaben von ?berall aus zu erledigen  mit mehr Sicherheit, gr??erer...

Zone Wired Uc Datasheet
Zone Wired Uc Datasheet
07/10/2024 -
DATENBLATT ZONE WIRED HEADSETS Logitech? Zone Wired ist ein f?r hektische Gro?raumb?ros entwickeltes USB-Headset f?r hochwertiges Audio und zuverl?ssige Klarheit in Anrufen mit fortschrittlicher ger?uschunterdr?ckender Mikrofontechnologie. Au?erdem ist es leicht, elegant und bietet hohen Tragekomfort den ganzen Tag lang. Zone Wired funktioniert mit g?ngigen Telefonie-Anwendungen auf nahezu allen Plattformen und Betriebssystemen. Die ger?uschunterdr?ckende Technologie mit zwei Mikrofonen unterdr?ckt St?rger?usche wie Tastenanschl?ge und Stimmen in der N?he pr?zise auch auf kurze Entfernung von bis zu 60 cm. Intuitive integrierte Bedienelemente sind am verwicklungsfreien Kabel jederzeit zur...

Brio Datasheet
Brio Datasheet
07/10/2024 -
DATENBLATT BRIO ULTRA-HD PRO BUSINESS-WEBCAM BRIO setzt neue Ma?st?be f?r Ultra-4K-HD-Videokonferenzen. Die Webcam ist f?r professionelle Videomeetings konzipiert und liefert 4K-Ultra-HD-Videos mit RightLight!" 3, HDR, hohe Bildfrequenzen und eine hervorragende Leistung bei schwachen Lichtverh?ltnissen, um eine einwandfreie ?bertragung von Videokonferenzen zu erm?glichen. So k?nnen Teams perfekt zusammenarbeiten und schneller Entscheidungen treffen. BRIO bietet drei voreingestellte Sichtfelder mit 5-fach-HD-Zoom in eindrucksvoller 4K-Aufl?sung. W?hlen Sie 65? bei pers?nlichen Besprechungen oder einen gr??eren Winkel von 78 oder 90?, um mehr von der Arbeitsumgebung zu erfassen. Dank RightLight!"...

C505e Datasheet
C505e Datasheet
07/10/2024 -
DATENBLATT C505E HD WEBCAM Lassen Sie die integrierte Webcam Ihres Notebooks hinter sich mit der Logitech? C505e Business Webcam: Sie bietet klares, fl?ssiges und farbintensives 720p-Video im Breitbildformat zu einem kosteng?nstigen Preis und macht Ihnen das Leben im B?ro viel angenehmer. Die C505e bietet ein Sichtfeld von 60? diagonal, festen Fokus und automatische Beleuchtungskorrektur, die die Ausleuchtung f?r die meisten R?ume anpasst. Ein omnidirektionales Mikrofon sorgt f?r klar verst?ndliche Gespr?che in Entfernungen von bis zu drei Metern. Mit dem besonders langen USB-A-Kabel und der Universalhalterung l?sst sich die Kamera auf vielf?ltige Weise montieren. Befestigen Sie sie an einem...

C925e Datasheet
C925e Datasheet
07/10/2024 -
DATENBLATT C925E BUSINESS-WEBCAM Einwandfreie Meetings mit H.264-Unterst?tzung. C925e wurde f?r Unternehmen konzipiert und funktioniert reibungslos mit L?sungen g?ngiger CloudKonferenzanbieter, sodass die Zusammenarbeit Ihres Teams mit fl?ssigen HD-Videogespr?chen in 1080p problemlos gelingt. C925e bietet ein diagonales 78?-Blickfeld, HD-Autofokus und eine automatische Belichtungskorrektur zur intelligenten Anpassung der Bildqualit?t. Zwei omnidirektionale Mikrofone erfassen Audio klar und deutlich aus einer Entfernung von bis zu einem Meter. Dank der UVC H.264-Kodierungstechnologie sorgt C925e f?r einen durchgehend fl?ssigen Videostream  selbst bei eingeschr?nkter Bandbreite. C925e ist...

07/10/2024 -
PC DATENBLATT LOGITECH L?SUNGEN F?R ZOOM ROOMS Machen Sie jeden Raum zu einen Zoom Room mit Teilnahme per Tastendruck, direktem Teilen von Inhalten mit einem Klick und einer einheitlichen Konferenzerfahrung mit Logitech Tap IP. Logitech? Rauml?sungen sind in Konfigurationen von kleinen bis gro?en R?umen mit Zubeh?r f?r jeden Raum erh?ltlich. VORKONFIGURIERTE VIDEOKONFERENZEN F?R MEETINGR?UME Logitech Rauml?sungen f?r Zoom umfassen alles, was Sie zum Ausr?sten von Konferenzr?umen praktisch jeder Form und Gr??e brauchen  einen Mini-PC, eine PC-Halterung, eine Ultra-HD-ConferenceCam von Logitech mit RightSense!"-Technologien und den Logitech Tap IP Touch-Controller. Dar?ber hinaus ist die...

H570e Datasheet
H570e Datasheet
07/10/2024 -
DATENBLATT LOGITECH USB HEADSET H570e Wer sein Geld am Telefon verdient, f?r den bedeutet ein komfortables Headset Produktivit?tssteigerungen mit jedem Anruf. Das strapazierf?hige Logitech H570e Headset bietet Komfort im Alltag. Die akustische Echounterdr?ckung und Digital Signal Processing-Technologie (DSP) halten st?rende Ger?usche ab, um klare Gespr?che zu erm?glichen. Das H570e aus robustem Material bietet durch sein leichtes Design ganzt?gigen Tragekomfort. Die Ohrpolster aus Kunstleder und der mit Metall verst?rkte gepolsterte Kopfb?gel sind strapazierf?hig, flexibel und sitzen perfekt. Einstecken und loslegen. Es ist wirklich so einfach. Per USB-A-Kabel wird das H570e Headset mit einem...

Msft Teams Rooms On Android
Msft Teams Rooms On Android
07/10/2024 -
ANDROID DATENBLATT LOGITECH L?SUNGEN F?R MICROSOFT TEAMS ROOMS UNTER ANDROID Verwandeln Sie jeden Raum m?helos EINFACHE KONFERENZRAUM-L?SUNGEN F?R JEDEN RAUM in einen Microsoft Teams Room mit Teilnahme per Tastendruck und einer Logitech f?r Microsoft Teams Rooms unter Android umfasst eine Ultra-HD einheitlichen Konferenzerfahrung in allen Logitech ConferenceCam mit motorisierter Schwenk- und Neigefunktion R?umen durch Tap IP. Logitech? L?sungen und RightSense!" Technologien sowie den Logitech Tap IP Touch-Controller f?r R?ume in jeder Form oder Gr??e. Unterst?tzung f?r Microsoft Teams Rooms f?r Microsoft Teams Rooms unter Android unter Android bedeutet eine bemerkenswert einfache Einrichtung,...

Essential Datasheet
Essential Datasheet
06/10/2024 -
Fiche technique Logitech Essential for Rooms Logitech Essential est un plan de service complet qui comprend des outils logiciels avanc?s pour vous aider ? g?rer efficacement vos espaces et vos dispositifs Logitech. Logitech Essential for Rooms vous assure une visibilit? granulaire et un contr?le total de vos dispositifs Logitech et de vos salles de r?union. G?rez facilement vos dispositifs Logitech Essential vous octroie l'acc?s ? toutes les fonctionnalit?s avanc?es de Logitech Sync. Recevez un avertissement anticip? sur les probl?mes ?ventuels, de mani?re ? les r?soudre avant qu'ils n'aient impact? votre entreprise. L'acc?s distant ? l'interface utilisateur vous permet de r?soudre les probl?mes,...

Zone Wireless Datasheet
Zone Wireless Datasheet
05/10/2024 -
DATASHEET ZONE WIRELESS HEADSETS Open workspaces are great for collaboration, but they can also be noisy. Take control of your acoustic environment with Logitech? Zone Wireless, the wireless headset specifically designed to enhance focus and productivity in busy workspaces. Logitech Zone Wireless and Zone Wireless Plus help you define your workplace soundscape and get stuff done. Designed for talking and music, easily transition between video conferencing, music, and general noise reduction throughout your day. To make communication effortless, Zone Wireless is also equipped with a noise-canceling microphone, ensuring your voice is heard on the other end not the noise around you. Connect...

Rally Accessories
Rally Accessories
05/10/2024 -
DATA SHEET RALLY ACCESSORIES Logitech Rally family includes a full suite of accessories to accommodate a wide range of room sizes and configurations. Multiple mounting, mic, and speaker options provide the convenience of conferencing solutions at scale. ACCESSORIES TO SUIT EVERY MEETING SPACE Logitech Rally Bar Mini, Rally Bar, and Rally offer premier video collaboration solutions for all room shapes and sizes. Simple, versatile, and meticulously designed for scale, the Rally all-in-one video bars and the modular Rally system offer clutter-free cable management, multiple mounting, mic and speaker options, and the flexibility to deploy in USB or appliance mode. Add Rally accessories to create...

Zone True Wireless Earbuds
Zone True Wireless Earbuds
05/10/2024 -
DATASHEET ZONE TRUE WIRELESS EARBUDS Stay focused and in the zone with Zone True Wireless Bluetooth? earbuds. The certified noisecanceling mics, hybrid ANC and immersive sound are ideal for collaboration in busy workspaces without compromising on the quality, productivity or creativity. Logitech Zone True Wireless delivers immersive experiences that help you sound clear, stay connected and confident. Three mics in each earbud (6 total) distinguish your voice from other sounds through a combination of advanced beamforming, cascaded noise reduction and dynamic processing so your voice always sounds clear no matter your surroundings. Connect to a smartphone and computer simultaneously via Bluetooth?....

Logi Dock Datasheet
Logi Dock Datasheet
05/10/2024 -
DATASHEET LOGI DOCK Upgrade the remote working experience with Logi Dock, an all-in-one docking station with one-touch meeting controls and a built-in speakerphone. Certified for leading video conferencing platforms and easy to set up, Logi Dock connects everything in one tidy unit, replaces the need for extra peripherals, and eliminates a tangle of cables and wires. THE ULTIMATE DOCK FOR HYBRID WORKERS Logi Dock is an all-in-one docking station with meeting controls and enterprise-quality audio that simplifies personal workspaces and improves the WFH experience. Designed to declutter the desktop, Logi Dock provides a single connection point for up to five USB peripherals and two monitors1, while...

Logi Bolt White Paper
Logi Bolt White Paper
05/10/2024 -
LOGI BOLT Connexions sans fil s?curis?es et robustes Sommaire Logitech pr?sente sa nouvelle norme pour une connectivit? sans fil s?curis?e et robuste 1 La technologie sans fil Logi Bolt en un clin d'Sil 1 La base de la technologie sans fil Logi Bolt le protocole Bluetooth? Low Energy Caract?ristiques et performance 6 Recommandations pour le d?ploiement et l'optimisation des performances des produits sans fil Logi Bolt 8 Options de connexion pour votre r?cepteur USB Logi Bolt Une connectivit? robuste, m?me dans les environnements sans fil encombr?s Comment coupler des dispositifs suppl?mentaires ? un r?cepteur USB Logi Bolt Technologie de consommation d'?nergie optimis?e Garantir...

Personal Workspace Solutions Guide
Personal Workspace Solutions Guide
05/10/2024 -
SOLUTIONS POUR LES ENTREPRISES: ESPACE DE TRAVAIL PERSONNEL LE NOUVEL ESPACE DE TRAVAIL PERSONNEL Dans une ?poque o? les ?quipes se r?organisent dans un mod?le hybride plus durable, il n'existe pas de solution unique pour les espaces de travail. C'est pourquoi Logitech cr?e des solutions technologiques centr?es sur l'humain qui aident les utilisateurs ? cr?er et ? collaborer efficacement, o? qu'ils soient. Nos solutions d'espace de travail personnel compl?tes aideront votre ?quipe ? faire de son mieux tout en profitant d'une exp?rience de travail plus flexible et satisfaisante. CE QUI NOUS DISTINGUE Aidez vos employ?s ? travailler o? qu'ils soient, avec une s?curit? renforc?e, une plus...

04/10/2024 -
To Business Partners Request of Understanding and Cooperation for Bribery Prevention Policy of Ricoh Group In the Ricoh Group CSR Charter we set that in order for the Ricoh Group to fully discharge its corporate social responsibilities (CSR) from a consistent global perspective, we must conduct our business with the proper social awareness, understanding and being compliant with both the letter and the spirit of national laws and the rules of international conduct. In light of the above policy and the global drive to tighten regulations against bribery, recently the Ricoh Group has newly established the Ricoh Group Standard for Bribery Prevention based on the Ricoh Group Code of Conduct. Guidance...

04/10/2024 -
SMALL GROUPS. BIG POTENTIAL. Logitech ConferenceCam BCC950 Small group video conferencing deserves more than huddling around PC webcams or begging for time on overbooked conference room systems. The ConferenceCam BCC950 combines high quality HD video and crystal clear audio in a simple, amazingly affordable package, so small groups can run their own video conferences anywhere in the office. Designed with small groups in mind, ConferenceCam BCC950 is an all-in-one video and audio conferencing device ideal for huddle rooms, private offices and small conference spaces. With professional HD video and crystal clear audio, small groups up to 4 can be seen and heard so no one in the meeting is out...

C920e Datasheet
C920e Datasheet
04/10/2024 -
DATASHEET C920E HD WEBCAM HD Video. Incredible Price. C920e is a work-from-anywhere webcam that delivers HD video meetings that look and sound better than most laptop builtins at a price point that's ideal for mass deployment. The 78? diagonal field of view displays individual users in a wellbalanced visual frame while two integrated omnidirectional mics1 can be enabled to capture audio clearly from up to one meter away. Built-in HD autofocus ensures you're seen clearly when on camera, while a detachable privacy screen flips up and down to cover or expose the lens. C920e is certified for Microsoft Teams? and Zoom!" and compatible with other popular applications include BlueJeans, Cisco Webex?,...

Group Datasheet
Group Datasheet
04/10/2024 -
DESIGNED FOR BIG ROOMS AND EVEN BIGGER IDEAS. Logitech GROUP GROUP, the amazingly affordable video conferencing system for mid to large-size conference rooms, allows any meeting place to be a video collaboration space. It's as simple to use as a mobile phone and affordable as an office chair, now it's easier than ever to include anyone in the conversation. USB plug-and-play connectivity makes GROUP a breeze to deploy and use. It even works within your own familiar computing environment with any video conferencing software application  including the ones you already use. Razor sharp video and a beautifully designed full-duplex speakerphone deliver an out? standing collaboration experience...

Zone Vibe Wireless Datasheet
Zone Vibe Wireless Datasheet
04/10/2024 -
DATASHEET ZONE VIBE WIRELESS The over-the-ear, wireless headphones designed for video conferencing and beyond. Noisecanceling mic captures your voice for an engaging meeting experience. The partner-certified headset is as feature rich as it is stylish. Logitech Zone Vibe Wireless was made for today's hybrid work environments. With crystal-clear sound, reliable audio connection, and an advanced noise-canceling mic, this professional headset ensures you are heard clearly and naturally. Comfort and practicality converge to bring you a headset that goes where you go, as long as you need it to. Zone Vibe Wireless is lightweight yet delivers up to 18 hours of talk time1 on a single charge. Three...

C925e Datasheet
C925e Datasheet
04/10/2024 -
DATASHEET C925E BUSINESS WEBCAM High-Quality Meetings with H.264 Support. Designed for business, C925e works seamlessly with popular cloud conferencing providers to empower your team to collaborate with smooth, HD 1080p video calls from any location. C925e provides a 78? diagonal field of view, HD autofocus and auto light correction that adjusts visual quality intelligently; dual omnidirectional mics capture audio clearly up to one meter away. Powered by the UVC H.264 encoding technology, C925e ensures a consistently smooth video stream even when bandwidth is limited. C925e is certified for Microsoft Teams? and Skype!" for Business, and works with other popular applications including BlueJeans,...

C505e Datasheet
C505e Datasheet
04/10/2024 -
DATASHEET C505E HD WEBCAM Step up from built-in laptop optics with the Logitech? C505e business webcam that delivers crisp, smooth and colorful widescreen HD 720p video at a budget-friendly price point that makes office life much easier. C505e provides a 60? diagonal field of view, fixed focus and auto light correction that adjusts illumination of most spaces; one omnidirectional mic supports clear conversation up to 3 meters away. The extra-long USB-A cable and universal clip provides a wide range of versatile mounting options. Secure it on a screen or mount it up to 7 ft (2m) away from your computer. C505e works with all popular video applications, including Microsoft? Teams, Skype!" for...

Brio Datasheet
Brio Datasheet
04/10/2024 -
DATASHEET BRIO ULTRA HD PRO BUSINESS WEBCAM 4K HD Video Collaboration Excellence. Designed for professional video meetings, BRIO delivers ultra 4K HD video with RightLight!" 3, HDR, high frame rates and outstanding low-light performance that power teams to collaborate and gain speed to decision-making through highquality meeting experiences. BRIO provides three field of view presets with 5x HD zoom in spectacular 4K resolution. Select 65? for more focused communication or widen the scope to 78? or 90? to capture more of your workspace. RightLight!" 3 with HDR helps you look best in any illumination, with advanced Logitech optics delivering razor-sharp video resolution with autofocus. Brio...

Meetup Datasheet
Meetup Datasheet
04/10/2024 -
SUPER-WIDE FIELD OF VIEW FOR SMALL SPACES. Logitech MeetUp Logitech? MeetUp is a premier ConferenceCam designed for small conference rooms and huddle rooms. With a room capturing, superwide 120? field of view, MeetUp makes every seat at the table clearly visible. Motorized pan/tilt widens FOV even further: up to 175?. A low-distortion Logitech-engineered lens, Ultra HD 4K optics, and three camera presets deliver remarkable video quality and further enhance face-to-face collaboration. MeetUp's integrated audio is optimized for huddle room acoustics and delivers an exceptional sound experience. Three horizontally-aimed beamforming mics and a custom-tuned speaker help ensure your meetings sound...

H650e Headset Datasheet
H650e Headset Datasheet
04/10/2024 -
DATASHEET H650E HEADSET Enjoy USB plug-and-play connectivity using a flat, no-tangle cable. H650e delivers clear audio with features such as acoustic echo cancellation and a noise-canceling mic. It's all intended to make your calls as productive and comfortable as possible. "E  nterprise-grade audio: With digital signal processing, acoustic echo cancellation, and noise-canceling mic, you can hear and be heard in noisy workspaces. " Intuitive in-line controls: Easily answer or end calls, adjust volume, and mute/unmute calls at your fingertips. "O  n-call busy light: The LED indicator on the backside of the boom provides a visual alert to those behind you that you are on a call. "N ...

Zone Wired Uc Datasheet
Zone Wired Uc Datasheet
04/10/2024 -
DATASHEET ZONE WIRED HEADSETS Designed for busy open workspaces, Logitech? Zone Wired is a USB headset that delivers premium audio and reliable call clarity with advanced noise-canceling mic technology. Additionally it is lightweight, stylish, and super comfortable for all-day use. Zone Wired works with common calling applications across almost all platforms and operating systems. Noise-canceling dual mic technology accurately suppresses distracting sounds like keyboard clicks and nearby voices as close as 60 cm away. Durable, reliable and simple to use with intuitive in-line controls always at your fingertips on the tangle-free cable to mute, adjust volume, answer/end/reject calls, and play/pause...

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