Zone Learn Case Study

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Zone Learn Headset Boosts
ELL Student Performance in Epic Reading App

Many students feel empowered with the Zone Learn headset &and able to make better connections across stories than before. 

Emma W. Shuey Elementary is a public school located in
Rosemead, California that proudly serves over 480 students in grades K-6. Over 40% of students are English Language Learners
(ELL). The school's mission is to foster well-rounded students who communicate, collaborate and problem-solve, creating successful citizens for a global environment.




Brian Lopez is a K-6 Bilingual/ELL teacher with more than 20 years of educational experience. As an expert in digital teaching and learning, Brian continually looks for ways to leverage educational technology to support the needs of his students, inside and outside of the classroom.

For the second half of the study, Brian implemented Zone Learn, an adjustable headset designed specifically for young learners and tuned for learning. Students paired the
Zone Learn headset with the Epic reading app for independent learning, read-alouds and for various reading activities and assignments.

In particular, Brian saw an opportunity to improve student focus and engagement during independent reading time.
Over the course of an 8-week study during fall 2023, Brian set out to measure the impact of headset technology on student reading performance. To accomplish this, he used Epic, a leading digital reading platform with over 40,000 ebooks and audio-based reading experiences, such as audiobooks, videos, and Read-To-Me books. The study included over 50 students in grades K-6.
Epic is our gateway to the world of information via online books. It has a plethora of books to choose from and it creates an inclusive learning environment for students that are unable to read on their own,  said Lopez. The Read-To-Me feature allows students

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