Ziris Digital Signage Range Brochure - Sony

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Digital Signage Solutions that work for all of us.
Digital Signage Solutions


"Sony has provided us with the best, most sophisticated system that not only includes network players and plasma screens but also flexible, user-friendly software for content management."
Jens Gebauer, Board Member, Manfred Gebuauer GmbH, Germany

Digital Signage Solutions

Together, we can boost your sales with amazing in-store communications.

Digital Signage has an incredibly powerful influence on customer decision-making where it matters most ­ at the point of purchase. By enabling you to deliver dynamic messages that engage, inform and entertain, Sony Professional Digital Signage Solutions can boost your sales in a way that no other point of purchase tool can.

Instant signs of business improvement Sony Professional can work closely with you to realise the commercial potential of the latest visual marketing technology ­ so you can: · Maximise sales and deliver targeted promotional messages · Increase brand awareness and customer loyalty · Achieve consistent messaging with unparalleled speed of delivery · Attract new customers and influence purchase behaviour · Keep customers for longer and convert browsing into purchases.

From the people who make commercial visions happen Sony Professional has unrivalled experience of delivering class-leading Digital Signage solutions tailor-made to client requirements in a wide variety of sectors. · Retail and sales · Entertainment venues · Transportation and travel services · Bars, restaurants and hotels · Companies and organisations.

The facts we can turn into improved sales figures · As many as 75% of retail purchases are unplanned, with the customer's buying decision made at the point of sale · For every additional 10 minutes spent in a store, people will spend an average of 5 more · With over 50% of consumers leaving stores without making a purchase, Digital Signage is a powerful tool for changing customer behaviour.

The entry-level solution The plug-and-play BKM-FW50 Digital Signage Player, which slots directly into a Sony flat panel display, combines low cost of ownership with easy operation.

The regular content refresh solution Enabling you to regularly update your messaging from your computer, Sony Professional's Ziris LiteTM works with as many Sony flat panel displays as you want for your Digital Signage network. You can show different messages at different times of the day, and monitor the whole system remotely. Reassuringly simple to set up and use, it's highly cost-effective and fully scalable to grow with your needs.

The Ziris instant content update solution Sony Professional's Ziris Digital Signage software lets you create and control highly sophisticated Digital Signage content across multiple locations, where content changes or updates are almost continuous.

With Ziris you can:

Your business aims are our starting point. From simple systems to global networks, Sony Professional Digital Signage Solutions are driven by user requirements, ensuring you can have the system that is exactly right for you. Each individual end-to-end solution can be configured to meet differing business priorities.

Create powerful and effective multimedia communications including text, graphics, animations, audio and video for distribution across your network. Transfer your communications reliably, cost effectively and at high speed over your network to individual displays or groups of displays as required. Manage, control and monitor your entire Digital Signage system from any PC on the network using a simple interface for maximum efficiency.

View and run your Digital Signage communications directly from a computer by converting it into a dedicated, network-managed media player. Enable your network players to pull content and scheduling directly from the server via a web browser by installing a Ziris Edge server.

Digital Signage Solutions

We design to fit your business.

"Grupo Amorim always choose the best suppliers and Sony, as we know, leads in their particular field. Sony has installed all the surveillance equipment and systems, a total of 96 CCTV cameras, 14 40-inch plasmas and 13 32-inch LCD screens. Our customers value this experience ­ it makes them spend more time here."
Paulo Silva, Director, Dolce Vita Shopping Centre, Coimbra, Portugal

"We are delighted to be able to team up with Sony and have access to their latest high definition solutions."
Peter O'Halloran, Managing Director, Mercedes-Benz World, UK

We can illuminate the business solution, so you can drive ahead.
Digital Signage Solutions

For over 60 years, Sony has helped all kinds of organisations all over the world to grow and prosper through visual and audio technology. Today, Sony Professional delivers market leading solutions for professional applications ­ ranging from in-store communications to broadcast technology, security systems and medical diagnosis. This unrivalled experience and expertise means we are uniquely positioned to work with you and understand your business requirements. Not just in terms of Digital Signage but also in how it enables you to maximise your resources.

Grow with your solution Sony Professional Digital Signage solutions are designed to be scalable, with future-proof flexibility built-in. So your system can simply grow with your business needs. Experience true reliability Already proving their dependability in such exacting environments as the world's most technically advanced stadium (Arsenal Football Club's Emirates Stadium in London), Sony Digital Signage solutions can identify potential problems before they impact on your operation.

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