XC-505 Tech Manuals - Sony

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

A-DKO-100-11 (1)

Color Video Camera Module
Technical Manual

© 2010 Sony Corporation

Table of Contents
Main Features................................................................................... 3 Connection Diagram........................................................................4 Location of Parts and Operation .................................................... 7 Mode Setting by Dip Switch............................................................ 8 Installation...................................................................................... 10 Connections ................................................................................... 11 Genlock........................................................................................... 12

RS-232C Command List
RS-232C Connector Pinouts ......................................................... 13 Communication Specifications .................................................... 14 Camera Control Command List .................................................... 16 Camera Control Commands ......................................................... 18

Camera Control Command List .................................................... 27 Specifications ................................................................................ 31 Dimensions .................................................................................... 32 Spectral Sensitivity Characteristics (typical).............................. 33


Table of Contents

The XC-505/505P is a small color video camera module that incorporates a 1/3-type IT CCD. available to allow you to match the shutter speed to the shooting conditions. When you set the DIP switches for the CCD IRIS function, the shutter speed is adjusted automatically, based on the amount of light allowed to enter, ensuring the most appropriate level of image signal. Advanced settings can be configured via RS-232C serial communication. For details, see "Communication Specifications" on page 14.

Main Features
Small Size and Lightweight
The camera is so small and light that you can install it anywhere: even in locations where conventional video cameras cannot be installed.

Function Setting via RS-232C Transmissions
Using computer communications software such as HyperTerminal and Tera Term, function switching can be performed. A variety of functions such as NR (2D/3D), edge enhancement, , Nega/Posi, and Flip can be set via serial communication. For details, see "Communication Specifications" on page 14.

High Sensitivity
A built-in Super HAD II (Hole Accumulated Diode II) sensor, allows high sensitivity, low smear images. You can shoot, even under poor lighting conditions.

Simple Configuration via DIP Switch
Gain, shutter speed, and white balance can be configured using the 8-bit DIP switch located on the side of the unit.

Five White Balance Adjustment Settings
Using the white balance DIP switches, you can choose from among five white balance modes (3200K/5600K/ One Push WB/ATW/MAN) to choose the best settings for shooting conditions, and the most appropriate color compensation.

Electronic Shutter with a Wide Range of Operating Speeds
Using the electronic shutter DIP switches, these levels of shutter speed (OFF, 1/1,000, and FLICKERLESS) are

Main Features


Connection Diagram

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