Wwp 751708 0000.005 Gse Packaging July 2024

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

-WWP - World-Wide Procedure ,
-Global Specification for the Environment (GSE) ,
-Packaging ,
-WWP-751708-0000.005 ,

-WWP-751708-000.005 ,

-GSE: Packaging ,

-Definitions & Acronyms ,
-Term ,

-Definition ,

-Bark ,

-Bark is the external natural layer covering trees and branches ,

-IID ,

I -mportant Information Document - the document that is included in every ,
-Logitech product box to communicate required regulatory information ,

-ISO ,

-International Standards Organisation ,

-Packaging ,

- aterial that is used to protect or contain a product during transportation, ,
-storage, marketing or use. Packaging also includes any item that is physically ,
-attached to, or included with, a product or it's contents for the purpose of ,
-marketing the product or communicating information about the product. ,

-Recyclability ,

-A measure of the extent to which a material is , -Recyclable ,

-Recyclable ,

- material can be said to be recyclable if it can be diverted from the waste ,
-stream through available processes and programmes and collected, ,
-processed, and returned to use as raw materials or products. ,
-For a material to be considered recyclable, there should be reasonable ,
-assurance that: ,
-a) The collection, sorting, and delivery systems for transferring the materials ,
-from the source to the recycling facility are conveniently available to a ,
-reasonable proportion of the purchasers, potential purchasers, and users of the ,

Les promotions

Guide de d?rrage (PDF) - Logitech
Guide de d?rrage (PDF) - Logitech
05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
Getting started with Logitech® HD Webcam C270 Logitech® HD Webcam C270 Contents English. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Deutsch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Français . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Italiano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Español . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

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Getting started with Logitech® Wireless Keyboard K320 English Thank you! ¡Gracias! Merci! Obrigado! English Having trouble with setup? · Is the Power on? The power switch for the keyboard must be in the ON position. · How are the batteries? Check the keyboard battery installation or replace the batteries. The keyboard uses two AA alkaline batteries. · Check the Unifying receiver. Plug the Unifying receiver into a different USB port. Remove any metal object between the Unifying...

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User's guide Logitech® Wireless Keyboard K350 Contents English Español Français Português Setup, 4 Features and troubleshooting, 8 Instalación, 4 Características y resolución de problemas, 15 Installation, 4 Fonctions et dépannage, 22 Programa de instalação, 4 Recursos e solução de problemas, 29 , 36 Logitech® Wireless Keyboard K350 Wireless Keyboard K350 4 Logitech® Wireless Keyboard K350 5 Logitech® Wireless Keyboard K350 Español...

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COLOR SPECIFICATIONS BRAND / LAUNCH: Logitech 2010 PROJECT TITLE: Everest.003 SPOT COLORS DIE LINE COLOR (NO PRINT) DETAILS: AMR front/ GSW Guide PROCESS COLORS C DIE LINES M Y K DIELINE NAME: n/a 5 25 50 75 95 DIELINE RECEIVED: n/a SPECIFICATIONS / NOTES: Final files Job is four-color THIS PRINT SIZE / SCALE: 100% of original Designer: Emma Ghiselli Location: Fremont, CA, USA MODIFICATION DATE: February 5, 2010 Getting started with

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English 3 2 4 1 Nederlands Dansk Português 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Handmatige scherpstelring 2. Activiteitenlampje 3. Knop voor foto's 4. Lens 5. Microfoon 6. Clip/voetstuk (flexibel) 7. Webcamsoftware 8. Snelstartgids 1. Ring til manuel fokusering 2. Statusindikator 3. Udløserknap 4. Linse 5. Mikrofon 6. Justerbar klips/fod 7. Webkamera-software 8. Brugervejledning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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16/02/2012 - www.logitech.com
Quick-start guide Thank you! AA Gracias! Quick-start guide Logitech® Merci! Logitech® Wireless Guitar Controller Obrigado! Controller 1 Wireless Guitar 2 3 USB 4 5 1 English Français Product features 1. Fret buttons 2. The Touch Sensitive Neck Slider 3. Strum Bar 4. Whammy Bar 5. Directional Pad/PS button 6. Expansion port

16/03/2012 - www.archos.com
CE COMMUNIQUE NE DOIT PAS ETRE DIFFUSE AUX ETATS-UNIS, AU CANADA OU AU JAPON Igny, le 12 mai 2006 Emission par ARCHOS d'actions nouvelles : Exercice en totalité de l'option de sur-allocation Montant brut total de l'émission : 35.170.646,00 euros Nombre d' actions nouvelles : 817.922 actions ARCHOS a lancé le 11 mai 2006 une augmentation de capital sans droit préférentiel de souscription ni délai de priorité au profit des actionnaires existants de la Société par émission...

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