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Instructions on how to participate in the WIN A SAMSUNG DISCOVERY PACK PRIZE
DRAW  (Competition) and the Prize(s) (defined below) form part of these Terms and
Conditions. Participation in this Competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and
Conditions. This offer is not valid in conjunction with any other offer or competition.


The Competition commences at 9:00 am (AEST) on 6 May 2013 and will close at 7:00 pm
(AEST) on 3 November 2013, or such earlier or later time and date as determined by the
Promoter in its sole discretion by notice thereof on the Promoter's website (Competition
Period). The Competition will operate at different shopping centres at different times throughout this period (For more details of the locations and opening hours of each shopping centre, please visit During the Competition Period there will be six (6) monthly prize draws (Prize Draws).


To receive one (1) initial entry into a Prize Draw, entrants must, during the Competition
(a) be an Australian resident with an Australian residential address, aged 18
years old or over (entrants under the age of 18 years old must obtain the prior permission of a parent or guardian to enter) and not an employee of the Promoter, of any participating agency associated with this Competition,
or an immediate family member of the same (where "immediate family member" means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse,
child or step child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent,
grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister,
step-brother, step-sister or first cousin);
(b) visit the Samsung Smart TV or Galaxy Studio Stand ("Samsung Discovery
Stand") various in-mall locations nationally, at the participating shopping centre and sign up to the Promoter database with an approved Samsung staff member at the Samsung Discovery Stand; and

consent to receiving further communications from the Promoter.

Additional entries

After completing the steps outlined in clause 3 entrants will receive a unique URL to the email address provided when signing up to the Promoter's database. Entrants can share this unique link on their profile via Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus ("Social Media Sites")
to gain additional entries into the Prize Draw.


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