Why choose Logitech®?

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Why choose Logitech®?
Logitech is the world leader in computer peripherals and accessories.
After nearly 30 years of invention and innovation, we maintain our market leadership by turning computer peripherals into devices that enable new ways of working. Our number one priority has always been comfort and reliability, yet our products also drive business mobility and productivity.
Let us visit you to discuss your unique business requirements and to show you how our solutions can provide an almost instant return on investment.

For more information please contact your Logitech Account Manager or visit www.logitech.com/business





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For more information please contact your Logitech Account Manager or visit www.logitech.com/business





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Why is choosing the right peripherals so important for businesses?
Laptops may make employees more mobile but they re being blamed for a rise in back, neck and shoulder problems. A well-designed workstation can help to avoid this.
Employers have a responsibility under government Health & Safety regulations to reduce these risks and ensure employees have a safe working environment. The Goverment Health and Safety Executives (HSE) 2006 Horizon
Scanning paper reports that by 2015, 70-80% of workers could be at least partially working away from the office.
The HSE says employers should provide docking stations if laptops are the only computers provided and workers

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620-002649 Everest Front
620-002649 Everest Front
16/02/2012 - www.logitech.com
COLOR SPECIFICATIONS BRAND / LAUNCH: Logitech 2010 PROJECT TITLE: Everest.004 SPOT COLORS DIE LINE COLOR (NO PRINT) DETAILS: AMR front/ GSW Guide PROCESS COLORS C DIE LINES M Y K DIELINE NAME: n/a 5 25 50 75 95 DIELINE RECEIVED: n/a SPECIFICATIONS / NOTES: Final files.005 Job is four-color THIS PRINT SIZE / SCALE: 100% of original Designer: Emma Ghiselli Location: Fremont, CA, USA MODIFICATION DATE: May 20, 2010 Getting started with

26/09/2024 - www.logitech.com
VIDEOKONFERENZEN F?R KLEINE GRUPPEN SIND ENDLICH DA  ?BERALL. Logitech ConferenceCam BCC950 Heutzutage sind drei von vier Videokonferenzen auf mehrere Teil? nehmer ausgerichtet.1 Und bis zum Jahr 2015 werden 66 Millionen Benutzer Videokommunikation nutzen k?nnen. 2 Vor allem kleinen Gruppen muss eine sinnvolle Alternative angeboten werden. Sie dr?ngen sich h?ufig vor PC-Webcams zusammen oder sind auf die stets begehrten Konferenzraumsysteme angewiesen. Was macht die ConferenceCam so einzigartig? Die...

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05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
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User's Guide (PDF) - Logitech
User's Guide (PDF) - Logitech
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User User Manual Manual Version 1.1 Version 1.0 i Contents Introduction..........................................................................................................................4 Getting to know your remote............................................................................................4 How your Harmony 1100i works..................................................................................4 Activities, devices, and inputs.......................................................................................4 . The...

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13/09/2024 - www.logitech.com
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05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
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12/09/2024 - www.logitech.com
FICHE TECHNIQUE WEBCAM PROFESSIONNELLE C930E Une qualit? vid?o fiable. Une meilleure collaboration. Gr?ce ? la prise en charge de la norme H.264 et ? un champ de vision diagonal ?tendu, la webcam C930e offre une qualit? audio-vid?o professionnelle dans tous les environnements afin d'am?liorer la productivit? des ?quipes. Le champ de vision diagonal de 90? ?tendu englobe les utilisateurs et leur espace de travail dans un cadre visuel parfait tandis que deux microphones omnidirectionnels int?gr?s...

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05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
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p5 usb cd-rw Manual - LaCie
23/05/2017 - www.lacie.com
Table des matières Manuel utilisateur du graveur CD-RW LaCie page 1 Table des matières Avant-propos Précautions 1. Déballage de votre graveur LaCie 1.1. Configuration minimum 1.1.1. Matériel 1.1.2. Logiciel 2. Connexion du graveur 3. Utilisation de votre graveur LaCie 3.1. Formats de CD pris en charge 3.2. Insertion des disques 3.3. Éjection des disques 3.4. Éjection forcée d un disque 3.5. Accès aux disques 3.6. Écriture des disques 4. Informations utiles 4.1. Conseils pour l optimisation...

27/10/2016 - www.heden.fr
Enceinte Bluetooth MULTI-SOURCES SPKHRV3400 Enceinte Bluetooth MULTI-SOURCES SPKHRV3400 2 x 3w Emplacement Carte SD Radio Radio réveil CARACTÉRISTIQUES " Fonction enceinte Aux USB CONTENU DE L EMBALLAGE Horloge AUTRE PRODUIT DE LA GAMME Bluetooth " Portée Bluetooth : environ 10 m " Fonction radio " Fonction réveil avec 2 alarmes " Emplacement Carte SD (non incluse) Radio réveil Bluetooth Manuel utilisateur Câble jack/audio 3.5 mm Câble de