When To Use A Stylus And A Mouse For Optimal Learning

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Matching tech tools with learning styles
There are more tech tools available than ever. But what should your school use? And when?
Let's explore the benefits of teaching and learning with the stylus and the mouse!

Use a


Active learning
No need to stay seated! With a stylus and tablet or
Chromebook, students and teachers can get up and move, doing anything from rotating small groups in history class to an outdoor bug hunt in science.


Creative expression is key
Do your students like to draw and annotate? A stylus helps students tap into visual learning, whether that's illustrating concepts, taking notes or showing the steps of an equation.

It's time to work together
Collaborative activities like brainstorming are made seamless with a stylus. Students and teachers can easily share notes and ideas, as well as write on each others'
devices without pairing.

Students need to show their work
A stylus supports the development of fine motor skills and handwriting with precision. When using a touchscreen device,
students can often express themselves more easily and more accurately with a stylus than with a finger - a key factor to consider during testing!

Navigating and exploring content
A mouse is often considered essential for navigating and exploring content. It's especially helpful for multimedia projects like coding, podcasting, research and design.

Use a



Spending longer periods on a device
Research shows using a touchpad or finger all day can actually tire out the body. An ergonomic mouse - one

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