Welcome to Snow Leopard - Support - Apple

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Welcome to Leopard Leopard
Welcome to Snow

How to get started


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iSight, Keynote, Leopard, Mac, Mac OS, MacBook Air,
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Aperture, Finder, iPhone, Snow Leopard, and Spotlight are trademarks of Apple Inc. AppleCare is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. MobileMe is a service mark of Apple Inc.
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Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
Because Apple frequently releases new versions and updates to its software, images shown in this book may be different from what you see on your screen.

Install Snow Leopard
To install Snow Leopard, insert your installation disk and double-click Install Mac OS X,
then follow the onscreen instructions.

Click here to repair your startup disk or restore from a backup.

To restore your computer s software, see the user guide that came with your computer.
Install Snow Leopard 3

Select installation options
When you re ready, click Install to begin installing Mac OS X Snow Leopard. When the installation is finished, your computer will restart.

Click Customize if you want to change what s installed.

For additional information, see the Instructions folder on your installation disc.
4 Install Snow Leopard

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