User Guide ???? ??'? ?? ? - Support - Apple

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User Guide

Congratulations on your new iPhone Bluetooth®
Headset. Follow the instructions to get started.
Pair the Headset with iPhone
1 Connect the included iPhone Bluetooth Travel Cable to a
USB 2.0 port on your computer (not on the keyboard).
2 Connect iPhone and the headset to the cable. The headset pairs with iPhone automatically.

The ûrst time you connect the headset, let it charge for about an hour until the status light on the headset turns from amber to green.
3 Remove iPhone and the headset from the cable.
To connect the headset to iPhone, press the button on top of the headset. This allows calls to be routed through the headset.
In some cases, you may need to reconnect the headset to iPhone. See page 6.
English 3

Make or Answer a Call
1 Place the headset in either ear with the microphone pointed towards your mouth.

Placing the included foam pad over the speaker may provide a more comfortable ût.
2 Make a call on iPhone. Press the button on top of the headset to answer an incoming call.

Status light

If you answer an incoming call by tapping the iPhone touchscreen, audio is routed through iPhone instead.
3 When you ûnish, press the button to end the call.

4 English

Adjust the Volume m Use the volume buttons on the side of iPhone.
WARNING: For important safety information about avoiding hearing loss, see page 14.

What Else You Can Do

Do this

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