Tomtom Supplier Code Of Conduct 2023

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

TomTom believes that ethics and innovation go hand-in-hand and integrity is not a nice-to-have, but a must. Therefore, we seek to do business with parties that adhere to the same high standards as we do and require all business partners, including our suppliers, to uphold their responsibilities towards all relevant stakeholders, including the environment, by complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations, industry standards and best practices in all areas referenced in this Supplier Code of Conduct.
In particular, we expect our suppliers to abide by a high standard of business ethics and sustainability. We also expect them to support environmental, social and governance initiatives considering their unique business models and product and service offering to TomTom.
For these reasons, we have drafted this Supplier Code of Conduct SCoC  and published it on our page and have incorporated it by reference in our commercial agreements, as applicable.

It outlines the minimum expected standard that the

supplier should follow and is not intended to serve as an exhaustive list of requirements.

TomTom believes that each supplier shall comply with all applicable employment laws, rules and regulations, respect and promote human rights, including the rights of women and minorities, as well as of indigenous people, in the supply chain, and safeguard the health, safety, and fair treatment of its workers. This means that each supplier shall at a minimum ensure that:


All employment relationships are voluntary, and no forced labor is being used.
When an employment relationship is terminated, the supplier shall not withhold the workers' identity documents or other important documentation,
unless required by law. Workers shall not be required to pay unreasonable recruitment fees for their employment.


Child labor is never used. Child  means any person who has not yet reached the minimum age of employment in the country of employment or the minimum age for completing compulsory education, whichever is higher. This prohibition does not extend to legitimate workplace learning programs,
compliant with law, such as internships, apprenticeships, or traineeships.


Working hours do not exceed the maximum set by local law, including any overtime.


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