Terms and conditions apply - Samsung

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Anyone participating in this Promotion ( Participants ) agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions (the Terms and Conditions ). Any information or instructions published by the Promoter about the Promotion at www.samsung.com/ie/promotions/rewardyourself (the Website ) form part of the Terms and Conditions.
The Promoter
The Promoter is Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited, Samsung House, 1000 Hillswood Drive,
Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 0PS (the Promoter  or Samsung ).
Promotion Period
The Promotion will commence on 1 October 2012 and will continue until 24 December 2012
(the Promotion Period ).

Participants who:


during the Promotion Period purchase a brand new Samsung Smart TV listed below from an authorised retailer (either in store or online) in UK or Ireland. Certain retailers are specifically excluded, as set out in paragraph 5 below; and subsequently purchases one or more other Samsung product(s) from the same store
(i.e. at the same address and from the same retailer) or website within 28 days of purchasing the Samsung Smart TV ( Additional Product );

shall be entitled to claim cashback by redemption.

The Smart TV s included in the offer and the amounts of potential cashback are shown below:
TV Model




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