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Ta p e C o p y
TapeCopy allows you to quickly move existing data from one tape format to another. It can duplicate any tape with any SCSI or EIDE tape technology, image the tape to a disk file and even work with Firewire and USB tape drives. TapeCopy functions with one or more tape drives for easy data migration and duplication, making it quick and easy to keep up with the latest technologies. The Library Edition gives you even more power, with the ability to utilize autoloaders and tape libraries. Working with a simple interface or is command line / batch file driven, TapeCopy performs an exact bit for bit copy of a tape, to another tape or to a disk. The output can be any SCSI/ EIDE tape device on the same computer, or with the new Library Edition, a multi-tape library or autoloader. Applications: Data Transfer ­ Move existing tape data from one tape format to another. TapeCopy will function with just one tape drive as well as two or more including autoloaders and tape libraries. New version 2.1 even supports USB and FireWire tape drives. Convert between any of the following formats: DLT/SDLT, LTO, AIT, 8mm, 3480/3490/3590, QIC, DAT, TRAVAN and more. Multiple Backups ­ TapeCopy supports all SCSI/EIDE tape formats so you can duplicate and migrate data from one tape drive, autoloader or library to another with no hassle. Hardware Upgrades ­ TapeCopy works with a simple interface or command line / batch file driven. It performs an exact bit for bit copy of a tape-to-another-tape or tape-to-disk. The output can be any SCSI/ EIDE tape device on the same computer, or with the new Library Edition, a multi-tape library or autoloader. Automate Tape Copying ­ Administrators can save time by automating tape copies via command linedriven batch files and scripts. Create an unlimited number of scripts to simplify the process of making tape copies or migrating from one tape format to another. Specifications: - 64 Megabits (MB) RAM - Pentium or higher CPU - 5 Megabytes (MB) free disk space - Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or XP - SCSI/EIDE, USB or FireWire Tape Drive, Loader or Library support

NovaStor Software AG Grundstrasse 12 CH-6343 Rotkreuz Tel +41 (41) 798 33 55 Fax +41 (41) 798 33 99

NovaStor GmbH Neumann-Reichardt-Str. 27-33, Haus 11 D-22041 Hamburg Tel +49 (40) 638 09 0 Fax +49 (40) 638 09 29

NovaStor Corporation 80-B West Cochran Street Simi Valley, CA 93065 USA Tel +1 (805) 579 6700 Fax +1 (805) 579 6710


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