Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Sustainability Report 2012

Table of Contents (GRI based index)
1. Strategy and Analysis
CEO Statement GRI 1.1


2. Organizational Profile
Name GRI 2.1
Primary Brands, Services GRI 2.2
Operational Structure GRI 2.3
Headquarters GRI 2.4
Countries of Operation GRI 2.5
Legal Form GRI 2.6
Markets Served GRI 2.7
Scale of Organization GRI 2.8
Significant Changes GRI 2.9
Awards Received GRI 2.10


3. Report Parameters
Reporting Period GRI 3.1
Previous Report GRI 3.2
Reporting Cycle GRI 3.3
Contact Point GRI 3.4
Define Report Content GRI 3.5
Boundary of Report GRI 3.6
Limit on Report Scope GRI 3.7
Basis for Reporting GRI 3.8
Data Measurement & Calculations GRI 3.9
Restatements GRI 3.10
Changes from Previous GRI 3.11
GRI Content Index GRI 3.12

Les promotions

620-002649 Everest Front
620-002649 Everest Front
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COLOR SPECIFICATIONS BRAND / LAUNCH: Logitech 2010 PROJECT TITLE: Everest.004 SPOT COLORS DIE LINE COLOR (NO PRINT) DETAILS: AMR front/ GSW Guide PROCESS COLORS C DIE LINES M Y K DIELINE NAME: n/a 5 25 50 75 95 DIELINE RECEIVED: n/a SPECIFICATIONS / NOTES: Final files.005 Job is four-color THIS PRINT SIZE / SCALE: 100% of original Designer: Emma Ghiselli Location: Fremont, CA, USA MODIFICATION DATE: May 20, 2010 Getting started with

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Wb€_˜†RžQle°eöNã QhšØnUFR¡Q~ÜdDPÏY4 C930e Wb€Qwg —ie°aNIv„hL—bUFu(šØnQ~ÜdDPÏY4ÿ [ƒg g[½–v„‰Æ‘Îÿ ^.R©`¨ƒ·_—s°W:‚,SOT ]å OOSšŒ0ON:{,Nk>e/cQhšØn1080pÿ ‘Çu(H.264ÿSVCxb€g/SÊ{&TUVC1.5‰Äh

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Logitech® G300s Optical Gaming Mouse Logitech® G300s Souris Optique pour le jeu Setup Guide Guide d installation Logitech G300s Optical Gaming Mouse English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Français . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Español . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Português . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2 Logitech G300s Optical Gaming Mouse 1 2 On USB The G300s is ready for game play. If you would like to customize the G300s, refer to the next section. 3 You...

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