Software Instructions - Logitech

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Logitech® Unifying Multi-Connect Utility
Setup Instructions
Logitech Unifying Receiver
One leave-in wireless receiver connects multiple compatible devices to a notebook computer. The tiny receiver stays in a notebook USB port and pairs with wireless peripherals at the office, at home, and in a laptop bag. Connect to up to six (6) compatible devices without fumbling with cords or multiple receivers.
For more information, please visit
For identification of Unifying products, please look for the Unifying icon wireless receivers.

on mice or keyboards and

Logitech Unifying Multi-Connect Utility
It s simple and fast to set up devices for the whole office using the Logitech Unifying Multi-Connect Utility designed specifically for the IT professional. Please speak with your reseller to get a copy of the Utility.

Setup instructions of Logitech Unifying Multi-Connect Utility:
Step 1

Launch the Logitech Unifying Multi-Connect Utility.

Step 2

Plug in one Unifying receiver; remove any extra receiver from the USB port.

Step 3

Click "Configure" to select the number of devices you would like to pair with the
Unifying receiver. You can select any combination, up to a total of six (6) devices.

Step 4

Follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 5

When finished, click "Exit" when pairing all the devices to the receiver is done.
If you would like to pair other Unifying devices to a different receiver, do not exit.
Remove the first paired wireless receiver and plug in the next Unifying receiver. Repeat from Step 3.


Clear receiver. Start over from Step 3.

In case of technical problems, please contact Support at

Extra Unifying Receivers
You can keep and store the extra receivers as replacements in case the receivers in use are ever lost.

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