Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement - Logitech

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January 1, 2012
Logitech Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking
The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657), effective January 1, 2012,
requires large retailers and manufacturers doing business in the state of California, to be transparent about efforts undertaken to eradicate slavery and human trafficking in their direct supply chains for tangible goods offered for sale.
As a full member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), Logitech has adopted the
EICC Code of Conduct, which prohibits the use of forced, bonded, indentured labor or involuntary prison labor. We audit our suppliers to this Code and do not tolerate any form of non-conformance. We actively collaborate with our industry coalition partners in the EICC to share best practices among members, evolve the Code of Conduct, and develop and share available tools and training. In addition,
Logitech has internal policies and practices that are based on international labor and human rights standards. We partner with our supply chain to create an environment where workers have the right to freely choose employment and where slavery and human trafficking is not tolerated.
Logitech has taken multiple actions to verify the absence of forced labor, slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain, including:

Logitech Code of Conduct with Freely Chosen Employment . Logitech rolled out the EICC Code of Conduct to our entire supply chain. This Code outlines our requirements regarding workers at suppliers and Logitech own facilities having the right to freely choose their employment; Forced,
bonded (including debt bondage), indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slavery, or trafficking of persons shall not be allowed.


Supplier agreements. Logitech has master purchasing agreements in place with our supply chain suppliers and partners, requiring them to comply with international standards and applicable laws and regulations. We have required our supply chain suppliers to adopt and abide by the supplier code of conduct (EICC Code of Conduct) which prohibits forced labor and child labor. In addition, we require our suppliers to drive the same requirements to their suppliers throughout the supply chain.


Supplier risk assessment and audit. Logitech participates in the EICC's collaborative audit effort
(EICC joint audit). Suppliers are asked to complete the self assessment questions on the EICC Risk
Assessment Tool as well as the EICC Self Assessment Questionnaire that has been developed jointly by the EICC. Logitech performs assessments of potential suppliers as well as carrying out regular risk screenings of our supply chain suppliers. Logitech also conducts internal audits and onsite supplier audits, as deemed necessary, to verify our supply chain suppliers' conformance to the EICC Code of Conduct and related law, standards and policies. These audits are conducted by independent auditors and utilize the standardized audit protocols developed by the EICC. We follow up with each audited supplier to develop corrective action plans and close out audit findings.


Employee training. Logitech requires Logitech employees to comply with our Business Ethics and
Conflict of Interest Policy; and employees certify compliance with the Policy. Logitech offers training to our employees who are responsible for supply chain management on how to identify and respond to supply chain issues according with our supplier code of conduct, which is aligned with Electronic

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