Setting Up Your Computer - Support - Apple

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Setting Up Your Computer
The illustration on the next page shows all the equipment you need to set up your computer and begin using it. ( Your monitor and keyboard may look slightly different.)
Before following the setup instructions in this chapter, Apple suggests that you read
Arranging Your Office  in the appendix for tips on adjusting your work furniture so that you re comfortable when using the computer.


Power Macintosh computer

Keyboard cable

(sometimes built into the keyboard as shown here)



Apple PlainTalk Microphone (optional)

Monitor cable

(sometimes built into the monitor)

Computer power cord

Monitor power cord

(sometimes built into the monitor)

Positioning and Plugging In the Computer
Place your computer on a sturdy, flat surface near a grounded wall outlet. Your computer is designed to be placed on the floor to conserve desk space, but you can place it on any stable,
flat surface.
Before you plug your Macintosh into a wall socket, carefully read all the setup instructions in this chapter. Then, before you connect any other equipment to your Macintosh, follow the instructions in this section to plug it in. The plug grounds the computer and protects it from electrical damage while you set up. When you are ready to begin setting up, follow these steps:

Make sure the voltage switch on the back of the computer is set for the kind of voltage system to which you will be connecting.

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