Seagate Video And Analytics Storage Solution Brief

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Solution Brief

Lyve Cloud for Video and Analytics Storage
Challenge Summary
" As camera technology improves and demand for video surveillance data grows, customers need reliable data management solutions regardless of the size of their surveillance network.
" Integrators need to be able to link cameras and camera data to their own website, apps or service.
" Customers need to be able to see their video from anywhere at any time.
" Renewed video data policies require long-term retention.
" The adoption for video analytics and deep learning to drive business decisions is increasing in all sectors.

Benefits Summary
" Interoperability: Storing video in the cloud allows for easy connection to other cloud services such as artificial intelligence, point of sale systems,
broadcasting, or evidence management.
" On demand access: Retrieving live and recorded video from anywhere using standard HTML5 technology.
" Flexibility: Manage camera retention times for varying video data.
" Scalability: Store data from a few to thousands of cameras,
and retain the data efficiently for as long as you need.
" Seamless System Integration: S3-compatible Object Storage as a Service seamlessly connects with cameras, VMS, and other S3compatible software.

Customers are looking for alternative storage options as demand for surveillance video data continues to change and grow. They need a solution that can sustain data durability, maintain consistent performance, support trusted security features, and scale as needed.
To address those requirements, today's surveillance solution providers recognize Cloud as a viable opportunity. Businesses are increasingly adopting the cloud-based solutions and services called Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS)
to strengthen their position.
Hybrid VSaaS, where on-premises networks leverage the cloud for backup and scalable long-term retention. Customers can decrease operational burdens associated with maintaining physical storage and bypass upgrade costs.
Hosted VSaaS, where on-premises video cameras store data to the cloud through a bridge appliance. This approach equips providers to offer an endpoint-to-cloud management package to customers.

" Distributed Regional Cloud: Metro Edge places data closer to endusers to help minimize distance to storage, expedite data processing,
and provide for clear data sovereignty.
" Critical Video Data Protection: Safeguard your critical data and

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