Sc 728 1 2005us Seagate Solutions Paper Commvault Final

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Solution Brief

Protect Your Data with
Proven Reliability and
Unlimited Scalability.
Challenge Summary
Enterprises need predictable cost and a secure long-term backup solution that provides timely access for retrieval of their data.

Solution Summary
Lyve Cloud with Commvault leverages over four decades of best-in-class data storage capabilities, offering a simple, trusted, and efficient on-demand backup storage solution. The combined solution is simple to use, providing centralized access and fast data retrieval. Lyve Cloud with Commvault is also a secure environment focused on protecting users against data loss and ransomware attacks.

Benefits Summary
" Frictionless Cloud: Lyve Cloud with Commvault utilizes rich data management capabilities to seamlessly move backups to an
S3-compatible and highly scalable cloud storage platform. Lyve
Cloud supports easy management of data and provides always-on availability.
" Predictable Cloud Economics: Lyve Cloud offers long-term cost predictability with its simple pricing for all cloud storage needs. There are no API charges or egress fees, allowing customers to back up and move data without lock-in concerns. Lyve Cloud with Commvault offers a scalable data management platform and customers can easily adapt as storage needs change.

Enterprises need a robust data protection strategy for the large volume of data generated in their operations. Traditional on-prem backup options offer limited long-term retention capability and are vulnerable to significant data loss events.
A secure, efficient, and scalable cloud backup option that provides fast retrieval is crucial to every organization's business continuity strategy.
Lyve Cloud with Commvault delivers cost-optimized data management solutions that support frictionless transfer of backup data for storage, fast retrieval,
and long-term retention. Commvault software delivers integrated data management features from a single platform, while Lyve Cloud provides highly scalable, reliable, and secure cloud storage.

" Data Security: All data stored in Lyve Cloud is encrypted, and access is supported by multiple authentication protocols. Lyve Cloud with
Commvault offers ransomware protection and features that protect

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