Sc545 1 2208us Lyve Mobile And Capgemini Data Estate Modernization And Migration Solution Brief Digital 1

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Solution Brief

Lyve Mobile and
Capgemini Maximize the
Value of Your Data
Done in combination, data migration and data estate modernization address pre-existing data management inefficiencies, maximizing the value of enterprise data
on the cloud.
Challenge Summary
Migrating enterprise data to a single-cloud platform can provide many business benefits.
However, any problems you may have with the data before relocating it will still exist,
and inefficiencies such as duplication,
redundancies, and fragmentation can be exacerbated by migration.

Benefits Summary
The benefits of combining data estate modernization with data migration include:
" Accelerated time to data during the data-acquisition stage.
" Accelerated time to value during the data consolidation stage.
" Lowered total cost of ownership (TCO)
during the cloud-import stage.
" Added value to data migration.
" Increased data accessibility,
understandability, and trustworthiness
by removing inconsistency, contradiction,
and inaccuracy.

Data migration provides an opportunity to reassess enterprise data capabilities and maximize business value.
The Seagate/Capgemini solution avoids a data lift and shift, where the benefits of moving to the cloud are eroded by legacy problems, and offers a chance to reinvent and ready data for the future. This requires a reassessment of data strategy: optimizing people, process, data,
technology, security, and governance. Legacy shortfalls are addressed while data assets become more accessible,
understandable, and trustworthy. The benefits of new technologies are maximized, and data becomes a driver of business growth not just a migration cost.
Relocating enterprise data onto a single-cloud platform enables benefits that include consumption-based services, on-demand capabilities, and rationalized technology choices. However, data migration doesn't add value to the data in

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