Sb 533 1 2112us Seagate Solution Brief Veeam Final

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Solution Brief

Modern Data Protection for Enterprises and Cloud
Service Providers
Support testable, cyber-resilient backups and better business analytics with Seagate Lyve Cloud and the Veeam Availability Suite.

Challenge Summary
Data is critical to keeping your business running.
With data volume and velocity continuing to grow at an exponential pace, and workloads accelerating to multicloud ecosystems, data and costs are harder to manage than ever before. There's never been a more urgent time to move beyond legacy backup in favor of a modern data backup, protection, and storage solution that can support multicloud strategies and data lake implementations.

Benefits Summary
" Instantly recover data anytime without costly delays.
" Reduce complexity across your multicloud environment and data silos.
" Complement your multicloud strategy and seamlessly scale your backup repository at predictable costs without lock-ins, API charges,
or egress fees.
" Ensure the cyber resiliency of your backup data with ransomware protection and immutable storage.
" Monitor and analyze backups to improve efficiency, meet compliance, and identify risks.

Get a comprehensive approach to data security and integrity across the entire data path. Seagate? Lyve!"
Cloud with Veeam Availability Suite which includes
Veeam Backup & Replication for four-in-one data protection and Veeam ONE for unified monitoring and analytics reporting leverages resilient, enterpriseclass storage technologies, industry-leading durability,
and multi-level ransomware resiliency to deliver faster backups and robust restores at infinite scale and predictable costs.
The world runs on data. But as enterprise data continues to proliferate at an exponential rate, managing and activating that data becomes an expensive and complicated task in a hybrid or multicloud environment.
This creates several challenges for business contingency planning 
particularly for distributed enterprises that generate large and unpredictable volumes of data in complex cloud environments that are subject to audits for regulatory compliance. It also makes it difficult for

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