Sb 527 1 2108us Seagate Lyve Cloud Ransomware Solution Brief Final

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Solution Brief


Enterprise Data from Ransomware
Lyve Cloud offers a safe and efficient S3 object storage target to support your anti-ransomware strategies.

Solution Summary
Proactive detection and secure backups are the solution to protecting enterprise data from ransomware attacks. Lyve!" Cloud
S3 object storage provides enterprises with a secure, flexible,
and cost-efficient backup storage target. Security features such as object immutability safeguard data backups from manipulation or deletion while enabling fast retrieval and cloud-based disaster recovery. Designed for compatibility with a variety of applications,
Lyve Cloud storage as a service is simple to use with the backup management tools of your choice.

Benefits Summary
" Top-Tier Security: Lyve Cloud features multi-level authentication, object immutability, and encryption for data at rest and in motion, enabling continuous data protection.
" Simple Pricing: Lyve Cloud customers only pay for the data storage they use. With no additional API charges or egress fees, admins can retrieve data freely.
" Flexible Design: Lyve Cloud's adaptable API enables customers to easily connect to S3-compatible independent software vendor (ISV) backup software applications for frictionless, automated backups.
" Disaster Recovery: Lyve Cloud's frictionless cloud storage experience enables disaster recovery in the cloud.

Cyberattacks are on the rise, commonly targeting and encrypting enterprise data for monetary reward. These attacks can halt business operations, expose private information, and injure the well-being of victims. Many businesses attempt to restore operations from their backups if they have them but struggle to recover quickly.
This process is both time consuming and expensive, leaving businesses to choose between paying the cyber criminals or losing their data. Either way, they still must pay the cost of recovering operations and accept lost business. To prevent these attacks, data must be safeguarded from end to end with a trusted

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