SB74 BoomBox

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Puissance totale de 15W
Radio FM avec 50 présélections
Recharge lecteur MP3 via USB
Entrée Jack + sortie casque
Fonction USB Direct Recording (Transfert CD audio => USB)
Lecture des formats MP3 / WMA








User EQ
Optimiseur MP3


Les promotions

0123401 567892
0123401 567892
19/02/2012 -
568 0123401 79 2 ! $! %&"!$ "#"! " ' #()"* + -&#" -%/-0-,+ ,%" &(, .+ " ,* 1&-+ ."/-0$&1-+ /$ -" -" /-+ / $" $ " -2 " +(%$ 1%$ &"+ #$ 9 ;=>? :< @AB@ CDEFGCD L WYZ X]V VX Y[ ^_ X KhiW_ gXj h L _ ^nTLopqr opqr i Y L d Id Os u^]gY ^ZW v h Ygi [ Y cV Ih jVj Z_ cWi _^gY xV y Y U cWhW i _ gj K^r]V^v jhXW Y V i _ Yd}IN ^y Y ] }h YL Z w }h Yzo Z Ih ^W_aorzo _Ygh r K Xv Z XY zo vV Y Y[ j Y }h YZW v g WWn Z N Z [ Y ^Z g Jp}h Y N cV _ s JgWj_ Z ^vV YZW v ggV j Y Xv [ Y cV }h Y]_ cVaKYX _ cV Z WY...

TLACOVÁ SPRÁVA Spolocnost LG plánuje ovládnut trh s ...
TLACOVÁ SPRÁVA Spolocnost LG plánuje ovládnut trh s ...
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oficiálne stránky: TLA OVÁ SPRÁVA Spolo nose LG plánuje ovládnue trh s televízormi Vaka OLED TV, rozaírenej rade Ultra HD televízorov a unikátnym funkciám Smart TV plánuje LG, ~e sa ujme vedenia svetového trhu Bratislava, 29. januára 2013 - Víziu LG pre nasledujúci rok na rtol na januárovom ve>trhu Consumer Electronics Show 2013 v Las Vegas Havis Kwon, prezident a generálny riadite> spolo nosti. Vyjadril dôveru v spolo nose a jej schopnose...

Français - LG Electronics
Français - LG Electronics
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MODELE WD-12331CDP Moteur WD-12331CDP Induction Entrainement DIRECT DRIVE Contrôle FUZZY LOGIC PERFORMANCES Essorage Variable Trs/mn Capacité de Lavage/ Séchage Kg 1200 (0-400-800-1000-1200) 5 / 2,5 Volume tambour Litres Thermostat Réglable °C 95/60/40/30/ Froid mn 125 Temps de lavage (40°c Coton) 42

Français - LG
Français - LG
19/02/2012 -
Formats DVD-RAM, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, DVD-ROM, DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL, CD-R/RW, CD-ROM Mode 1, 2, CD-DA, CD-ROM XA, Mixed CD, CD-Extra, CD-Text, CD-I, Photo CD, CD Audio disc Capacité disque 4,7 Go (simple couche), 8,5 Go (double couche) Vitesse de lecture 52x (CD-ROM),16x (DVD) Interface S-ATA Introduction Montage Tiroir motorisé Horizontal ou vertical Type de motorisation ZCLV/CLV, PCAV/CAV Temps d accès moyen (Random) DVD: 100 ms, CD: 90 ms / (Full) DVD: 160 ms, CD: 140 ms Mémoire...

WM3001H - LG Electronics
WM3001H - LG Electronics
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LAUNDRY WM3001H FRONT LOAD WASHERS New LG SteamWasher!" WM3001H Performance " 4.5 cu.ft. Ultra Capacity with NeveRust!" Stainless Steel Drum (IEC) " DirectDrive!" Motor for the Ultimate in Durability and Reliability " 10 TilTub!" for Easy Reach into the Rear of the Drum " 1300 RPM Powerful Spin for Efficient Water Extraction Intelligent Fabric Care " TrueBalance!" Anti-Vibration System " SteamWash!" System for Better Washing Performance and Higher Water and Energy Efficiency " Wash/Rinse...

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ACCESSOIRE Oui 1 ENREGISTREMENT Enregistrement 3D TNT Enr. Via Guide des programmes Enr. A la volée Enr. programmé Enr. & lecture simultanés Enr. TNT sur disque dur externe Oui Oui Oui Oui Oui ( ( ( ( ( Via Via Via Via Via HDD HDD HDD HDD HDD Ext.) Ext.) Ext.) Ext.) Ext.) Oui IMAGE Résolution DAC Deep Color xvYCC 1080P Upscaling

English - LG Electronics
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24/11/2014 -
LAUNDRY DLGX3002 GAS DRYERS New LG SteamDryer!" DLGX3002 Performance " Extra Large Load Capacity with NeveRust!" Stainless Steel Drum (7 cu.ft.) .4 Intelligent Fabric Care " SteamFresh!" Cycle for Reducing Wrinkles and Refreshing Clothes " Sensor Dry System for Intelligent Fabric Care and Energy Efficiency " SteamSanitary !" " ReduceStatic!" " EasyIron!" " FlowSense!" " 9 Drying Programs " 5 Temperature Levels " Precise Temperature Control with Variable Heat Source " Drying Rack "...

19/02/2012 -
TV-LCD 47LG7500 Ecran Taille écran / image Format Résolution Luminosité Contraste dynamique Angle de vue (H/V) Temps de réponse 119 cm (47 pouces) 16:9 HD TV 1080p (1920x1080) 500 cd/m² 50 000:1 178°/178° 5ms GTG Image 100Hz 24p XD Engine Oui Oui Oui Oui (16:9/Just Scan/Original/4:3/14:9/Zoom1/Zoom2) Contrôle du format Réception Tuner TNT intégré Tuner TNT HD Mise en mémoire automatique des chaînes Balayage chaines préférées Télétexte Oui (MPEG4) Oui Oui Oui 1000p Audio Puissance...

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English 3 2 4 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Manual focusing ring Activity light Microphone Lens Flexible clip/base Snapshot button Webcam software Quick-start guide Français Español 5 6 1. Control de enfoque manual 2. Diodo de actividad 3. Micrófono 4. Objetivo 5. Clip/base versátil 6. Botón de captura de instantáneas 7. Software de cámara Web 8. Guía de inicio rápido 1. Bague de mise au point manuelle 2. Témoin d'activité 3. Microphone 4. Objectif 5. Clip/base flexible 6. Bouton Instantané...

Thank you!
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Thank you! Merci! ¡Gracias! English Thank you for purchasing the Logitech® Speaker System Z523 from Logitech®. Your Logitech® speakers are quick to install, easy to use, and produce great sound. To learn more about Logitech® products, or for more information about Logitech® speakers, please visit 1 Contents / Contenu Troubleshooting See below for solutions to common problems. If you have more questions about your Logitech® speakers, visit ·...

Hard Drive Screws Replacement Instructions - Apple
Hard Drive Screws Replacement Instructions - Apple
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øÿ Power Mac G5 Hard Drive Guide Screws Replacement Instructions Follow the instructions in this sheet carefully. Failure to follow these instructions could damage your equipment and void its warranty. Note: Online instructions are available at Tools Required The only tool required for this procedure is a Phillips screwdriver. Opening the Computer 1. Shut down the computer. Warning: Always shut down the computer before opening it to avoid damaging its internal...

Four SFP3900X - Smeg
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software update need help? thank you! - Archos
software update need help? thank you! - Archos
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ENGLISH THANK YOU! Thank you for purchasing this ARCHOS product. This guide provides you key information to start using your device. To receive more complete service, register your product: - tap the online registration icon , - use a computer to go to ? NEED HELP? SOFTWARE UPDATE The Android operating system is periodically updated to bring new features, improvements and bug fixes. You can update your device via an OTA notification displayed in the status bar. Drag down...