Sb554 1 2212us Osnexus Solution Brief Digital

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Solution Brief

File, Block, and Object
Storage with Seagate and OSNEXUS
Seagate and OSNEXUS enable unified file, block, and object storage management for on-premise and hybrid deployment.

Challenge Summary
Managing storage in a hybrid cloud environment can be complex consuming time and money as the number of clusters and deployments grow across sites, co-locations, and the cloud.

Seagate® enterprise storage systems with Lyve!"
Cloud hosted storage combined with OSNEXUS
QuantaStor supports block, file, and object storage using both scale-out and scale-up architectures that serve a broad spectrum of workloads.

Benefits Summary
" Supports unified file, block, and object storage.
" Unified management across systems with
Storage Grid technology.
" Extensive security features including Active
Directory integration, SSO, and FIPS 140-2
" Scale-up and scale-out storage architecture options to fit the needs of a broad spectrum of workloads.
" Seagate systems provide scalable storage options for both scale-up and scale-out configurations from 100TB to over 100PB per
Storage Grid technology.
" Backup and archive on-premise data to
Seagate Lyve Cloud using QuantaStor.

As organizations expand their storage environment using a hybrid-cloud strategy, it has become even more important to IT experts that storage solutions are flexible, reliable, and secure.
A flexible solution can be deployed with a broad selection of hardware customized to meet the needs of specific applications and workloads,
and have the ability to control the hardware and software upgrade lifecycle to maximize the storage system. A reliable solution delivers options for high-availability and fault tolerance, provides intelligent software that can detect problems early and offers comprehensive reporting, and notifies users when maintenance is needed. Additionally, a secure solution is paramount due to the increase in ransomware attacks one with advanced authentication and authorization features as well as immutable

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