Sb529 1 1021us Lyve Mobile Overcoming Data Sprawl With Shuttling Solution Brief Digital

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Use Case Brief

Overcoming Data Sprawl with Shuttling
Overcome mass data aggregation and accelerate its activation while controlling costs using Lyve Mobile.

Solution Summary
Lyve!" Mobile from Seagate® is an edge storage solution that enables your business to aggregate, store, move, and activate mass data. Scalable, modular, and vendor agnostic, this integrated solution eliminates network dependencies so you can transfer mass data sets in a fast, secure, and efficient manner no matter what industry you're in from media and entertainment to autonomous vehicles, smart manufacturing, energy farms,
healthcare, and beyond.

Benefits Summary
" Scalable, modular, and vendor-agnostic
" Reduce transfer time, no network dependencies
" Physically transfer large data sets securely
" Customer choice for landing destination
" Cost-efficient subscription model

As CIO's and IT managers recognize the impact of data sprawl and the distributed enterprise, they're coming face to face with needing to solve their most looming mass-capacity data challenges.
But most products available today intended to mobilize data end up creating more hurdles than solutions for IT managers.
Unstructured data is being generated at daunting speeds,
and is distributed across many locations. But while CIOs can find mass-capacity storage solutions, they often pose a variety of challenges that are hard to overcome like one directional data flow and locked-in ecosystems that are not conducive to edge environments. Further, global networks are bandwidth constrained and other alternatives such as using physical appliances to shuttle data back and forth are not simple, efficient, or secure. In the end, these leaders are left asking: How do I accelerate access to our data to build better products? How can I capitalize on my edge data and increase my company's competitive advantage? And how can I overcome data sprawl and mobilize it so I can actually apply it?


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