Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

1. Instructions on how to participate in the Samsung UHD TV Media Launch Event Double Pass Tickets Competition"
( Competition ) and the Prize (defined below) forms part of these Terms and Conditions. Participation in this
Competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. This Competition is not valid in conjunction with any other offer.
2. The Competition commences at 9:00 am (AEDT) on Saturday, 26 April 2014 and closes at 11:59 pm (AEDT) on
Sunday, 27 April 2014 ( Competition Period ).
3. For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions:

immediate family member  means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle,
aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin;


"Launch Event" means the Samsung UHD TV Media Launch Event to be held on Tuesday, 29 April
2014 at a location in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia;


"Prize" means One (1) x double pass to attend the Launch Event; and


"Promoter" means Samsung Electronics Australia Pty Ltd ABN 63 002 915 648 of Quad Samsung, 8
Parkview Drive, Homebush Bay, NSW 2127.

4. To enter, each participant must, during the Competition Period:
a. be a resident of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia with a Sydney, New South Wales residential address and be aged 18 years or over;
b. not be an employee of the Promoter, of any participating agency associated with this Competition, or an immediate family member of the same;
c. visit (the Promoter s Facebook Page ) and post a comment on the
Promoter s post: Its official! Win the chance to attend the exclusive 2014 Samsung TV launch event in
Sydney. We have one double pass to give to one lucky Samsung fan! Tell us by commenting below in 25
words or less why you should be chosen to attend our 2014 Samsung UHD TV Media Launch Event. T&Cs apply.* *Competition starts at 9:00am on 26 April and closes at 11:59pm (AEDT) on 27 April 2014. Go to for full T&Cs.  (the Post ), which includes an answer to the question contained in the Post; and d. follow any other reasonable directions provided by the Promoter s representatives in relation to the entry process,
(hereafter referred to as Eligible Entries  or Eligible Entry ).
5. Only one (1) entry is permitted per person during the Competition Period, as determined by the entrant s registered
Facebook account used to comment on the Post. Any entry which is not posted as a comment to the Post will not be an Eligible Entry.
6. The time of entry will, in each case, be the time the entrant s comment is registered on the Promoter's Facebook
Page. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any late, lost or misdirected entries due to technical disruptions,
network congestion or for any other reason.

Les promotions

ampli 2007
ampli 2007
13/02/2012 -
Ensemble amplificateur A/V et enceintes HT-AS1T Un son puissant et une finition irréprochable & " Ensemble 3 satellites + 2 colonnes + 1 caisson de basses " Amplificateur : 600W RMS " Décodeurs Dolby Digital, DPLII, DTS Ensemble amplificateur A/V HT-AS1T Caractéristiques Points forts Caisson de basses à amplificateur intégré Amplificateur numérique Design assorti aux éléments séparés de la marque. Puissance efficace (RMS - DHT 10%) 600 W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(5 x 100W...

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