Samsung KNOX User Guide

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Samsung KNOX!"
User Guide
Enterprise Edition
January 2014
Version: 1.2.1

Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2013 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. Samsung is a registered trademark of
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Specifications and designs are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate. All data were deemed correct at time of creation. Samsung is not liable for errors or omissions. All brand, product, service names and logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby recognized and acknowledged.

Document Information
This document was last modified on January 17, 2014.

Contact Information
Samsung Enterprise Mobility Solutions  Santa Clara
Samsung Telecommunications America, Ltd
3920 Freedom Circle; Suite 101
Santa Clara, CA 95054
United States of America


Preface .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
About This Guide ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Audience ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Notational Co nventio ns .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Notice Icons ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1

1 About Samsung KNOX .................................................................................................................................................. 2
The KNOX Container ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Isolate Your Private and Corporate Data ...................................................................................................................... 3
Restrictions .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Device Support .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4

2 How to Use Samsung KNOX ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Setting up a KNOX Container ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Logging into the KNOX Container ...................................................................................................................................... 6
KNOX Menu Options .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Exiting the KNOX Container .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Managing KNOX Security....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Changing the KNOX Container Password .................................................................................................................... 7
Resetting a Forgotten Password ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Changing the KNOX Session Timeout ........................................................................................................................... 8
Setting the SE for Android Level ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Unins talling and Reinstalling KNOX ...................................................................................................................................... 9

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