Salted Ginseng Chicken - Samsung

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Salted Ginseng Chicken recipe by chef l i s a l e o n g
Ingredients: gPe™

1 whole chicken (about 1.5 kg), fat trimmed
(Season chicken with 2 tbsp ginger juice, 2tbsp Chinese cooking wine
(optional), 1 tbsp chicken seasoning power, 11/2 tsp brown sugar, 1
tbsp spice salt (Wu Xiang Yim), 1 tsp sesame oil & 1 tbsp soy sauce).
Let the chicken stand in a cool, airy place until the skin is dry to the touch, about 2 hours.

Smoke Ingredients (A) qYqe™
piece dried smoked mushroom cut into shreds
tbsp smoked Ginseng root
teaspoon Sar Geung powder (dried ginger powder)
3/4 tbsp spice salt
1/2 tsp smoke liquid

Savoury Ginger Sauce: (Mix together)
4 tablespoon minced fresh ginger add in 1teaspoon salt mix in 4 tablespoon hot peanut oil and a tsp chicken powder



MC32F606TCT SAMSUNG Microwave Oven


Wash and rub chicken with chicken marinade mix ingredients thoroughly.
Marinate for about 2 hours in the fridge. Tuck wings under the body. Rub the roasted salt inside and underneath the skin of the seasoned chicken and tuck wings under the body.
Stuff the smoked mushroom, Yong Sum roots and salt into cavity enclosing the cavity opening with a bamboo skewer.


Arrange Chicken onto the microwave dish and microwave over HIGH mode for 8 mins.


Then transfer the microwave chicken onto the LOW rack. Bake the chicken using the
CONVECTION mode. Sprinkle spice salt all over the chicken before baking.


Press the CONVECTION button, press once or more times to set temperature to 180C. Set

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