S tatement of Opinion - Logitech

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Logitech AGY 733841-0000.A0

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Statement of Opinion



With respect to Chapter 10 of the Telecommunications Act of The Netherlands, Telefication declares that to our opinion the listed product complies with the essential requirements, in accordance with Article 3 of the Directive 1999/5/EC, as indicated under Annex 1 of this statement.
Product description:
Family name:
Type designation:
Serial No:
Software release No:

Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse for Notebooks
-Suzhou Logitech Electronic Co., Ltd.
No. 168 Bin He Rd., Standard Plant
215011 Suzhou

This statement is granted to:

Logitech Europe S.A.
Z.I. Moulin du Choc D
1122 Romanel sur Morges

This statement has TWO Annexes.
Zevenaar, 22 August 2003

drs. ir. W.B.A. Blom

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