Rugged Combo 3 Touch Deployment Best Practices

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


" iPads need to be unwrapped and removed from packaging
" iPads need to be updated to iPadOS 13.4 or later
This may require being connected to power. Please have charging cables available.

" If asset tags are used on iPads, install tags in a location visible through the Rugged Combo 3 Touch window prior to installing iPad into Logitech? Rugged Combo 3 Touch.

ASSEMBLY 30 seconds or less



Review any documentation that comes with the packaging

2 Place your iPad inside the case
3 Ensure the camera and camera opening are lined up

4 Press down on all four corners to secure it
5 Pull out the adjustable kickstand and fold the keyboard downward

6 If using, place your Logitech Crayon or

Apple Pencil inside the magnetic latch

When transporting or storing Rugged Combo 3
Touch iPad units, stacking vertically can minimize weight and pressure on units, which will reduce the risk of damage. If horizontal stacking is needed, do not stack more than 4 units on top of each other.

Spray cleaning liquid onto a cloth and wipe,
do not spray directly onto the case or trackpad.
Microfiber cloths can be used effectively with just water, however non-toxic or chemical cleansers



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