Regulations Products Made Of Wood

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Established: February 1, 2010
Revised: April 1, 2021

Scope and requirements of Regulations for Ricoh Group products made of wood

From the viewpoint of global environmental conservation and biodiversity protection, this provision shall be established to confirm that the wooden raw materials used in Ricoh brand products and their accessories are legally obtained with consideration for the sustainability of the place of origin in environmental and social aspects prior to the decision of procurement.

It shall apply to paper products marketed under the Ricoh Group brand (PPC paper, thermal paper, etc.) as well as materials made of wood, which accompany Ricoh Group products (seals, manuals, packaging material, cushion material, etc.).

0Requirements for raw materials provided by suppliers0
The Ricoh Group requires lumber that meets all of the following requirements (1) to (3).
(1) Confirmation of legality of lumber in the country of origin at the time of production.
(2) Wood produced from a forest where sustainable forest management is practiced without adverse environmental or social impact at the time of production.
i.e. satisfy $` to $b.
$` It is not timber derived from a high conservation value (HCV) forest. ;1
$a When producing timber, there are no problems, such as occupational safety of suppliers' employees, work rights, and unfair labor practices.
$b When producing timber, agreement has been reached with the residents and indigenous people in the producing areas , and there are no problems such as conflicts.
(3) The products delivered to the Ricoh Group do not use wood procured by a Supplier with Problems. ;2
; 1) High-conservation value (HCV) forest means that organisms and ecosystems are diverse and are considered to be socially and culturally important. See this page for definitions.
; 2) Refers to a company that is currently causing serious environmental or social problems, or for which improvement has not been confirmed until now.

0Certification of conformity to requirements0
The Ricoh Group requires information on the raw material suppliers and information on the raw materials (including information on the country of harvest and compliance with laws and regulations, FSC-certified, or PEFC-certificated) and confirmation that requirements are met.

Established: February 1, 2010
Revised: April 1, 2021

0In case of non-conformity0
In the event that the Ricoh Group determines that the raw materials and timber for the products and articles listed in the scope of application do not meet or may not meet the requirements, the Ricoh Group shall cease trading.
and/or cooperation with the suppliers. Provided, however, that in the event that a supplier prepares an improvement plan, an opportunity with a certain period of improvement will be provided to determine whether or not to continue business and cooperation with the supplier.

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