Public Displays Brochure - Sony

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Digital Signage

Helping your customers get the message.

Bring Business to Life

These days, it's more important than ever to get your message across quickly and effectively to your customers. Like it or not, first impressions count and you need to make sure yours is a good one. If customers are passing you by or you find it hard getting your communications right, it's time to look into digital signage.

Using latest high performance displays and eye-catching graphics, digital signage is a bold new way of making immediate contact with your customers. Now you can grab their attention and engage their interest with colour, action and impact. Best of all, Sony provides you with a user-friendly digital signage solution that offers a simple and cost effective way to transform your in-store communications.

Imagine how impressive your products and services would look on a large-screen, high colour display. Digital signage combines latest AV technology and multimedia techniques to deliver powerful, tailored messages to your customers. Ideal for launching new products, advertising special offers, or simply creating excitement in store.


All You Need...

Digital Signage Made Easy
A Sony LCD or Plasma Public Display ­ choose a screen size from 32", 40", 42" or 50"

*Actual size

A Sony BKM-FW50 Digital Signage Board ­ simply slots into the back of the display

Digital signage can be as simple or sophisticated as you want it to be. If you're looking to take your first tentative steps into digital signage but don't know where to start, Sony can get you up and running quickly with an incredibly easy to use solution. All you need is a Sony LCD or Plasma public display with a slot-in digital signage board. Create your own presentation on your computer, save it to CompactFlashTM media, insert the media into the signage board... and away you go! It's an affordable way to dramatically boost your communications and flexible enough to grow with your needs too.

Your own creative presentation stored on CompactFlash media

Automobile Showcase
I only had the demo car and brochures to show my clients. With digital signage, I can impress them with more information and details of car performance. It's like having an extra sales assistant on the sales floor!

With large stocks of vehicles to sell, plus an ever-changing variety of promotions and incentives, car dealerships can benefit dramatically from digital signage. Customers can view all the latest models on a large screen display in the reception area including a selection of exterior and interior images, as well as details of special offers, warranty schemes and financing deals.

We give potential customers a taster of our properties by running a high quality multimedia presentation through a large Sony display in our shop window. This encourages people to take the next step and talk to our sales advisors.

Dynamic Property Portfolio

Updating window displays with new property details on a regular basis is a challenging and time consuming job for estate agents. Now some companies are taking a different approach, using digital signage within their window to create a more dynamic introduction to their portfolio. With properties being bought and sold frequently, having an easily updatable system in place is an ideal way to maximise every possible sales opportunity.

You simply can't get the feel of far-flung places from a brochure, poster or promotional leaflet. That's why travel agents are increasingly turning to digital signage in an attempt to inspire their customers. Bringing the excitement of the world's favourite cities and exotic destinations into the shop window through electronic POS is fast becoming an essential marketing tool for those in the holiday business.

Window of the World
Travel agents are a gateway to the world and digital signage enables us to show what it is actually like on a deserted beach in the Maldives or looking over the edge of the Grand Canyon. This makes it much easier to sell the excitement of holidays to people.

We have a mouth-watering presentation showing high quality photos of the new breads and pastries plus a `sandwich of the day'. The response has been extremely good with most of the new range selling out within just a few hours.

New Displays Everyday
Digital signage is ideal for small shops such as bakeries looking to introduce new products and catering services. Many forwardthinking bakers are using digital signage to highlight their latest range of breads, pastries and cakes to their customers, while promoting special services for birthdays and weddings.

Les promotions

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