Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Kirby Abilities Badge instructions
1. Print out on sturdy paper.
2. Carefully cut along the dotted lines. (Kids, ask a grown-up to help.)
3. (Optional) Punch a hole at the top and add a string or ribbon to wear as a badge.


© 2014 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2014 Nintendo.

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Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
02/12/2014 -
Kirby Abilities Badge instructions 1. Print out on sturdy paper. 2. Carefully cut along the dotted lines. (Kids, ask a grown-up to help.) 3. (Optional) Punch a hole at the top and add a string or ribbon to wear as a badge. Ninja © 2014 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2014 Nintendo.

Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
02/12/2014 -
Kirby Abilities Badge instructions 1. Print out on sturdy paper. 2. Carefully cut along the dotted lines. (Kids, ask a grown-up to help.) 3. (Optional) Punch a hole at the top and add a string or ribbon to wear as a badge. Beetle © 2014 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2014 Nintendo.

Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
02/12/2014 -
Kirby Abilities Badge instructions 1. Print out on sturdy paper. 2. Carefully cut along the dotted lines. (Kids, ask a grown-up to help.) 3. (Optional) Punch a hole at the top and add a string or ribbon to wear as a badge. Mike © 2014 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2014 Nintendo.

Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
02/12/2014 -
Kirby Abilities Badge instructions 1. Print out on sturdy paper. 2. Carefully cut along the dotted lines. (Kids, ask a grown-up to help.) 3. (Optional) Punch a hole at the top and add a string or ribbon to wear as a badge. Circus © 2014 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2014 Nintendo.

Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
02/12/2014 -
Kirby Abilities Badge instructions 1. Print out on sturdy paper. 2. Carefully cut along the dotted lines. (Kids, ask a grown-up to help.) 3. (Optional) Punch a hole at the top and add a string or ribbon to wear as a badge. Bell © 2014 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2014 Nintendo.

Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
02/12/2014 -
Kirby Abilities Badge instructions 1. Print out on sturdy paper. 2. Carefully cut along the dotted lines. (Kids, ask a grown-up to help.) 3. (Optional) Punch a hole at the top and add a string or ribbon to wear as a badge. Fighter © 2014 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2014 Nintendo.

Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
Print your badge! - Kirby - Nintendo
02/12/2014 -
Kirby Abilities Badge instructions 1. Print out on sturdy paper. 2. Carefully cut along the dotted lines. (Kids, ask a grown-up to help.) 3. (Optional) Punch a hole at the top and add a string or ribbon to wear as a badge. Archer © 2014 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2014 Nintendo.

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