polaris i sp0914d - Seagate

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :




0 ~ 60 °C
-40 ~ 70 °C
Thermal Gradient (max.)
20 °C/15%/hr
Humidity (non-condensing)
8 ~ 80 %
5 ~ 90%
Maximum Wet Bulb (operating)
29 °C
40 °C
Altitude (relative to sea level)
-650 to 10,000 feet
-1000 to 40,000 feet

" Formatted Capacity 9.1 Gbytes
" 7,200 RPM Spindle Speed
" EPR4ML Read Channel with 16/17 Rate Code
" 272 Mbits/sec Maximum Data Rate
" PIO Mode 4 / Multi Word DMA Mode 2 / Ultra DMA
" Fast ATA-4/E-IDE Interface
" 1024KB Segmented Read/Write Cache Buffer
" Write Auto Reassignment
" Error Correction on the Fly (Multi-Burst)
" S.M.A.R.T. Compliant



Formatted Capacities

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