PMW-200 - VideoCorp

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Solid-State Memory Camcorder

Proven High Quality: Three 1/2-inch-type Full-HD Exmor!" CMOS Sensors
The PMW-200 is a compact camcorder with three 1/2-inch-type Full-HD
Exmor!" CMOS sensors. The sensitivity F11 and S/N ratio 56dB have been achieved. Independent focus, zoom, and iris rings enable precise shooting in many circumstances. With its high-quality MPEG HD422 (50 Mbps)
recording capability, which is widely accepted in broadcasting stations and production houses, the PMW-200 helps to boost user creativity in many different applications, including news gathering and documentary production.
Added to this, by using an optional wi-fi adaptor (the CBK-WA01),
iris, zoom, and focus can be remotely controlled  ideal when using the camcorder at a distance, such as on a jib. Also, Genlock/TC
simplifies multi -camera configurations.

High Picture Quality
The PMW-200 incorporates three 1/2-inch-type Full-HD Exmor CMOS sensors (1920
x 1080) to achieve high resolution, high sensitivity, low noise, and wide dynamic range. These Exmor CMOS sensors were originally developed for the PMW-EX1R,
which has proved its quality worldwide. By optimizing 1/2-inch sensors and camera signal processing, the camcorder sensitivity has improved to F11 at 2000 lx and the S/N ratio has increased to 56 dB. These improvements are essential to the professional when shooting under severe lighting conditions, and they give every user more freedom of creative expression.

smooth interface with post-production and archiving. With the optional CBK-WA01
Wi-Fi Adapter, users can achieve a wireless workflow using mobile devices.
Also, using a wi-fi adapter allows users to remotely control zoom, focus, iris, and white balance as well as the recording functions such as a recording trigger from mobile devices, which is useful when users need to stay away from the camera*.
* The wi-fi remote control function will be available by December 2012 by firmware version upgrade.


Manual Control Rings
The PMW-200 incorporates a wide angle of 31.4  439 mm (equivalent to a
35-mm lens) with a 14-times zoom lens and SteadyShot!" feature, and to expand its applications it includes an optional VCL-EX0877 lens (a 0.8x wide conversion lens). Zoom, focus, and iris can be manually controlled with independent control rings; each function has physical stops and absolute markings, permitting precise adjustments. This end stop is very useful, enabling the user to sensitively adjust each ring to the exact point that is required. Also, a unique focus ring mechanism allows the user to select

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