Samsung Electronics
Environmental Report
ENV 02
Green Management Framework
ENV12 Climate Change Mitigation
ENV24 Eco-Products
ENV38 Green Operation Sites
ENV49 Green Communication
Green Management Framework
Development of Strategies
Materiality Test
In its pursuit of sustainability through green management, Samsung Electronics has identified some major issues
Samsung Electronics has implemented materiality tests for the purpose of systematically managing major issues that
through internal and external environmental analysis. Furthermore, through studies on diverse risk factors, it has
affect its management activities. Critical issues identified while evaluating critical issues and its impact on business
enhanced its internal competence and developed its green management strategies into the following process:
management in conjunction to the stakeholders interest include environmental safety risk management, GHG
emissions management, pollutant and hazardous substance management, and improvements in product energy efficiency. Communication with stakeholders and the management of product chemicals were also pinpointed as crucial
Strategy Development Process
areas. Samsung Electronics will reflect all of these findings in its establishment of long-term goals and the identification of improvement tasks across all aspects of the environment.
Green Management Materiality Matrix
Internal competence
Risk analysis
Materiality tests