Paper Management
Samsung Electronics recognizes that sustainable paper use is crucial for climate change mitigation and environmental protection. The company is committed to sustainable sourcing of paper based on following approaches.
Encourage responsible paper sourcing to prevent deforestation in supply chain.
Suppliers are required to verify and report the source of pulps and virgin fibers to ensure that it is legally and responsibly sourced.
Reduce paper use by creating sustainable solutions in technologies and services
The company continues to develop new designs and solutions to reduce paper in packaging and manuals.
Promote to use recycled-content paper and pursue the sustainable certifications.
The company established design guidelines for packaging and other paper products to foster the use of paper with recycled content and sustainable certifications such as FSC
(Forest Stewardship Council).
In 2011, the company used mobile phone packaging with 50% recycled paper content. 73% of home appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, etc) manuals were made from FSC (Forest
Stewardship Council) certified papers. Also, the company is continuing to reduce packaging and paper manuals from IT products such as notebooks and printers by minimizing packaging and using electronic manuals.
Below are some examples of eco-friendly packaging solutions
Eco-friendly dry strengthening agent for recycled paperboard packaging
The company started to use PVAm (polyvinylamine) as a dry strengthening agent for recycled packaging. It replaced the previous PAM (polyacrylamide) agent to improve the property of recycled packaging and reduce environmental impacts. It is expected that it can reduce the use of virgin fiber in packaging and save 97 tons of chemicals used in wastewater treatments annually by applying PVAm agent.
Easy Eco driver software for ensuring optimum use of papers and resources
The company introduced Easy Eco driver software tool in all printers launched from
September 2011. The Easy Eco Driver offers environmentally responsible settings and
includes a Result Simulator that shows users the estimated reduction in paper consumption, carbon dioxide emissions and energy when green features are selected. It also provides a fast and easy way to conserve toner needed to print documents,
regardless of format. When users check the Easy Eco Driver box and click print, a preview