P 7000 C 2400

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Die brandneuen Accuphase-Amps präsentieren sich optisch im gewohnten
Champagner-Look.Technisch erobert gerade der Pre Neuland. Und klanglich gibt's eine Palastrevolution



Sonderdruck aus
STEREO 1/2004

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Stereo P 6100e
Stereo P 6100e
22/06/2024 - www.accuphase.com
Complete review in STEREO magazine (Germany), Issue 3/2011 Stereo Power Amplifier Accuphase P-6100 A Journey to Elysium by Matthias Böde The new amplifier set C-3800 and P-6100 from Accuphase is promising a trip to the land of Hi-Fi bliss. We were on this trip  and tested the power amplifier. It's always the same questioning myself when I'm to test components from Accuphase: can this noble maker  famous for first-rate craftsmanship and sound quality  further enhance all this? As a general rule...

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22/06/2024 - www.accuphase.com
Review in AUDIO magazine (Germany), August 2004 Accuphase Class-A Power Amplifier A-60 Up please! by Joachim Pfeiffer Since generations amps from Accuphase have always remained true to their visual appearance and from a sonic point of view have become better and better over the time, though, to this date, in small steps only. What follows now is a quantum leap. Why a power amp like the new A-60 from Accuphase? Let's ask someone who should know, namely AUDIO's speaker tester Knut Isberner. It's...

STEREO C 2120 01 2015e
STEREO C 2120 01 2015e
22/06/2024 - www.accuphase.com
STEREO  01/2015 What is so special about this? Alright, one doesn't have to be an insider to recognize the C-2120 and P-4200 as Accuphase amps. But what makes the amps from Japan's noble forge so special? Stereo took a closer look. Stupid question Mr. Böde, no? After all one can tell the origins of this Pre- and Power Amp combination on first sight: thick champagne colored front plates with very fine brushed surfaces, the classic structure of input selector and volume control, distinctive meter...

Image Dp 78 E
Image Dp 78 E
22/06/2024 - www.accuphase.com
Review in image hifi magazine (Germany), issue 3/2006 Accuphase Super Audio CD Player DP-78 by Heinz Gelking How carefully the man from the parcel service is heaving the cardboard box with the orange Accuphase logo through the door. Don't get stuck! Accuphase stands for expensive hi-fi as much as Leica for costly cameras or Porsche for expensive sports cars. Evidently, this is also anticipated by people who are not linked to the audio trade. This may perhaps be due to the fact that Accuphase was...

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Image Dp 78
22/06/2024 - www.accuphase.com
54 image hifi 3/2006 3/2006 image hifi 55 Test SACD-Player Accuphase DP-78 Preis: 9800 Euro von Heinz Gelking, Fotos: Rolf Winter Wie vorsichtig der Mann vom Paketdienst den Karton mit dem roten AccuphaseAufdruck durch die Tür bugsiert. Nur nicht anecken! Accuphase steht für teures HiFi wie Leica für teure Kameras oder Porsche für teure Sportwagen. Das weiß auch, wer nicht vom Fach ist. Vielleicht liegt das daran, dass es Accuphase schon gab, als die HiFi-Fans noch wichtig waren und...

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22/06/2024 - www.accuphase.com
Review in image hifi magazine (Germany), Issue 2/2007 Accuphase CD Player DP-500 by Dirk Sommer Accuphase has ventured a step back: the new digital player is to render CD only. However this was all but a half-hearted decision and rather carried out in an uncompromising manner, as the device itself is clearly demonstrating. And this is why already at this stage I'm paying my highest tribute to the Japanese. In the past year I was more busy with "digital things" than may be assumed by merely looking...

E 550 E
E 550 E
22/06/2024 - www.accuphase.com
%Ï Revolutionary AAVA volume control %Ï Power MOS-FETs in triple parallel push-pull configuration driven in pure class A %Ï Current feedback principle and MCS+ topology in power amplifier section %Ï Logic-control relays for straight and short signal paths %Ï Sturdy power supply with large toroidal transformer and high filtering capacity %Ï EXT PRE button allows independent use of preamplifier and power amplifier sections The ultimate integrated pure class A amplifier  Power MOS-FETs arranged in...

Stereo E 350 E
Stereo E 350 E
22/06/2024 - www.accuphase.com
Review in STEREO magazine (Germany), April 2008 Accuphase Integrated Amplifier E-350 The Consequence by Matthias Böde Accuphase has recently upgraded its top-of-the-range integrated amplifiers whereby the technological highlights have now also been implemented in the smaller E-350. However the question remains if it's going to beat its predecessor. Last year when STEREO brought together all four integrated amps from Accuphase to be family-tested for our December issue, the E-308, which we originally...

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Lave-linge « années 50 » - LBB14 LA TECHNOLOGIE S'HABILLE AVEC STYLE Design rétro séduisant, poignée et signature de SMEG en inox bien visibles sur sa façade toute blanche, fonctionnement à la pointe de la technologie... tels sont les traits dominants du nouveau lave-linge blanc LBB14, la version 2012 du modèle existant dans la collection Années 50 de SMEG, qui a vraiment changé la manière de vivre l'électroménager. Avec des innovations sur le plan technique et esthétique, cette...

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Communiqué de presse 18 mars 2016 Philips Lighting lance une nouvelle famille de luminaires extérieurs LED connectés qui anticipe l ère de l Internet des objets " " " _ Une gamme de réverbères LED qui ouvre la voie d une migration vers un éclairage connecté Conçue pour le marché européen et dotée de prises pour capteurs et pour connectivité sans fil Elle intègre la nouvelle technologie d étiquette Philips Service qui simplifie la mise en Suvre et la maintenance Suresnes...

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Vidéoprojecteur portable XGA 3LCD 2500 lumens ANSI Vidéoprojecteur portable VPL-DX10 Le vidéoprojecteur VPL-DX10 a été spécialement conçu pour offrir compacité, portabilité et convivialité, tout en délivrant d'excellentes qualités d'image et de luminosité grâce à sa technologie innovante Sony BrightEraTM. Son indice CLO (luminosité couleur) est de 2500 lumens. Associé à une excellente qualité d'image de résolution XGA (1024 x 768), cette performance lumineuse permet aux utilisateurs...

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02/12/2014 - www.nintendo.com
C/RVL A MU USZ Wii Speak!" Operations Manual Mode d emploi  page 9 NEED HELP WITH INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SERVICE? Manual de Operaciones  página 17 Nintendo Customer Service SUPPORT.NINTENDO.COM or call 1-800-255-3700 BESOIN D AIDE POUR L INSTALLATIÓN, L ENTRETIEN OU LA RÉPARATION? Service à la clientèle de Nintendo SUPPORT.NINTENDO.COM ou composez le 1 800 255-3700 ¿NECESITAS AYUDA DE INSTALACION, MANTENIMIENTO O SERVICIO? Servicio al Cliente de Nintendo SUPPORT.NINTENDO.COM o...

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16/02/2012 - www.sony.fr
o o o o o o o o ! $ & '# " # , # .& / 0 # ( # + 1 " /2 ) + " #" " # #* % + # # % + ! ! # " * . ! # " 0 1 . , *4 ; 5 )% 0 + ' #$) ( * % $ + % / " , * % & ' #$) ( ! * ( ! )2 . * 3 ) 6 % 8 7 %& " 9 . . . * * . : # & ' #$) ( . . %& " 5 . ( " ( !( 0 0 9 9 " * B/ :