Opti Chamber Diamond Brochure FR LR

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

1. Adapted from: Hirst, PH., et al. Deposition and pharmacokinetics of an HFA
formulation of Triamcinolone Acetonide delivered by pressurized metered dose inhaler. Journal of Aerosol Medicine. 2001; Volume 14 (2):155-166.
2. Salzman G., Pyszynski D. Oropharyngeal candidiasis in patients treated with beclomethasone dipropionate delivered by metered-dose inhaler along and with Aerochamber. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1988;
Volume 81, Issue 2: 424-428.

Pourquoi est-il important d'utiliser une chambre d'inhalation à valve avec votre aérosol-doseur ?

3. Derendorf H., Nave R., Drollmann A., Cerasoli F., Wurst W. Relevance of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of inhaled corticosteroids to asthma. European Respiratory Journal, 2006; 28:1042-1050.
4. Roller M., Zhang G., Troedson R.G., Leach C.L., Le Souëf P.N., Devadason S.G.
Spacer inhaler technique and deposition of extra fine aerosol in asthmatic children. European Respiratory Journal, 2007; 29:299-306.
5. Von Hollen D., Slater L., Hatley RHM. Impact of flow rate on NGI throat deposition from 3 HFA Inhaler formulations with anti-static valved holding chambers. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 2013;
26(2); A45-A46.

OptiChamber Diamond

Chambre d'inhalation à valve

6. Oliveira R.F., et al. VHC performance evaluation at constant flow: 30L/min.
Proceedings of the ASME2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2015 Houston Texas.
7. Leach C., Colice G. A Pilot Study to Assess Lung Deposition of HFABeclomethasone and CFC-Beclomethasone from a pressurized Metered
Dose Inhaler with and without add-on spacers and using varying breath hold times. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 2010;
8. Dickens G., et al. Pharmacokinetics of flunisolide administered via metered dose inhaler with and without a spacer device and following oral administration. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 2000; Volume 84,
9. Saunders K.B. Misuse of inhaled bronchodilator agents. Br Med J. 1965;
10. Oprehek J., et al. Patient error in use of bronchodilator metered aerosols.
Br Med J. 1976; 1:76.

Aérosol-doseur seulement
Le médicament peut se déposer dans la bouche,
le larynx et l'estomac

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