Opportunity International - Logitech

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Case Study:

Opportunity International
Extraordinary Productivity with
Eco-Friendly Technology
Global fundraising and microfinance nonprofit uses Logitech for Business solutions to create more comfortable, efficient, and eco-friendly office environments
It s hard enough to start and maintain a successful business in a highly industrialized economy. In developing countries, starting a business in hopes of working one s way out of his or her impoverished situation is virtually impossible without a little help.
Opportunity International is a not-for-profit organization specializing in providing access to savings, loans, insurance and training to more than three million people living in poverty in 24 developing countries. More than 12,600
employees worldwide including about 100 in the United States provide essential financial tools for helping entrepreneurs start or expand businesses,
provide for their families, create jobs for their neighbors and build a safety net for the future.

Opportunity International
Company Size
12,600 employees wordwide

Global employees work in a variety of environments, generally no-frills offices.
The organization recently moved its U.S. operations into a new office to bring fundraisers and support staff together under one roof. The new office is limited on space, requiring strategic workspace setup within the cubicles.
Opportunity International-U.S. adopted Logitech for Business office solutions to provide employees with a clutter-free, comfortable workspace to help enhance productivity.
We want to make sure that our employees and advisers have a comfortable work environment so they can be more productive, but with limited desk space it s a challenge,  says David Schell, MIS director for Opportunity International-U.S. We know that when they re not worrying about a cramped workspace full of wires and cables, they can simply focus on doing their jobs and helping more clients. 

Oak Brook, Illinois

Optimal performance,
reduced costs

Website www.opportunity.org

As a non-profit organization,

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