Motion 3 New Features (manual) - Support - Apple

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New Features in Motion 3
This document explains the new features and enhancements released in Motion 3. For more information about these features and their use, see the Motion User Manual and the Motion Supplemental Documentation, available from the Motion Help menu.

Motion 3 now supports a three-dimensional, multiplane compositing environment,
allowing you to create sophisticated 3D motion graphics with depth and new levels of realism. In the Motion 3D workspace, you can:
 Add and animate cameras, images, and text along paths in three dimensions.
 Create particle systems and replicators with height, width, and depth.
 Apply behaviors such as Throw, Spin, and Vortex in 3D space.
 Apply new camera behaviors that automate sweeping pans and dramatic zooms.
 Stylize your projects with a combination of blend modes and scene lights.


Motion Tracking and Stabilization
Using the new Motion Tracking behaviors, you can stabilize handheld camera shots,
track the individual points of a shape or mask to background element, and more. The new Motion Tracking behaviors include:
 Match Move: Apply tracking data to from one element in the Canvas to another,
thereby locking  them together. For example, you can match an image file of a logo to the background video of a billboard so that the logo appears to be superimposed on the billboard even when the camera moves. Additionally, you can apply the transformation data of an animated source object to another destination object without analysis. As a result, the destination object moves just like the source object.
 Stabilize: Analyze a movie or image sequence with the Stabilize behavior to remove unwanted movement. For example, use the Stabilize behavior to smooth handheld camera shots.
 Unstabilize: Restore movement to a previously stabilized clip. This behavior is useful when you ve stabilized a video clip in order to add a foreground effect but wish to restore camera movement to the final composite. After you ve completed the foreground effects work, use the Unstabilize behavior to reapply the original motion data to the both the original background element and also the new foreground elements.
 Track Points: Track the control points of a shape or mask (including paint strokes) to moving elements in a clip. For example, you can draw a mask around a car in a movie clip, then track the control points of the mask to the edges of the moving car,
thereby isolating the car from the rest of the clip. You can then apply effects to the isolated car without affecting surrounding areas of the clip. The Track Points behavior also allows you to apply existing tracking data recorded by the Analyze Motion,
Match Move, or Stabilize tracking behaviors to the control points of a shape or mask.
 Track Parameter: Track a parameter of a filter to single point in a movie clip. For example, you can make the center point of an applied Light Rays filter follow a moving light in a clip. In this case, the tracking data is applied to a single parameter of the filter (the Center parameter), rather than to the filter as a whole.


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