Maxim Integrated - Logitech

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Case Study:

Maxim Integrated
Maxim Integrated Facilitates
Global Collaboration with Logitech
Webcams and Headsets
Unified communications solution helps leading semiconductor company leverage global expertise for product development
Company Info
Maxim Integrated
Company Size
9,300 employees
Over 50 locations worldwide

With 9,300 employees in more than 50 locations worldwide, Maxim
Integrated has successfully developed thousands of highly integrated semiconductor products that help customers create systems that are smaller and more energy efficient. With a united team that spans the globe, Maxim is a real-time organization  that has embraced web-based video conferencing and unified communications to improve collaboration and enhance productivity. To make unified communications more accessible to employees from the conference room to the desktop to the mobile office, Maxim has also standardized on Logitech business webcams and headsets for their quality,
reliability, and cost-effectiveness.


Logitech products bring unified communications to every employee for effective, real-time, face-to-face communication that enhances collaboration across the globe. 


Gary King, help desk supervisor, Maxim Integrated

Headquartered in San Jose,
California, Maxim Integrated is a leader in analog innovation and integration, unique among semiconductor companies in the range of disparate analog functions that it can combine onto a single chip. The company s highly integrated solutions help customers create systems

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