Magic Mouse - Support - Apple

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Magic Mouse

Quick Start
Your wireless Apple Magic Mouse comes with two AA batteries installed and uses Bluetooth®
technology to connect to your Mac.
Read these instructions to set up your mouse with a new Mac, replace your USB mouse, pair your mouse with a different Mac, and replace the batteries.

Updating Your Software
To use your Apple Magic Mouse and its full range of features, update your Mac to Mac OS X
version 10.5.8 or later and install the Wireless
Mouse Software Update 1.0; or update to
Mac OS X version 10.6.2 or later.
To update to the latest version of Mac OS X,
choose Apple (K) > Software Update from the menu bar, and follow the onscreen instructions.
When installation is complete and you restart your Mac, use Software Update again to make sure all of the available updates are installed.

About the Indicator Light
The indicator light displays the status of your
Apple Magic Mouse and the batteries.



ÂÂ When you first turn your mouse on, the indicator light glows steadily for 5 seconds,
indicating the batteries are good.
ÂÂ If your mouse isn t paired with a Mac, the light blinks, indicating your mouse is in discovery mode and ready to pair (pairing means your mouse and Mac are wirelessly connected to each other and ready to communicate).
ÂÂ If you don t pair your mouse with your Mac within 3 minutes, the light and mouse turn off to preserve battery life. Slide the On/off switch on the bottom of your mouse to turn it on again, allowing you to pair it with your Mac.
ÂÂ When your mouse is on and paired, with the batteries charged, the light glows steadily.
Indicator light
On/off switch

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