Mac Pro ?? ??? - Support - Apple

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©2007AppleInc.º¨´à ­Œ¹¬ ¼ôÇ .

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Intel,IntelCore ¼ XeonÇ@ »ø­m¬ü ­ø ¼ÇX °˜·|ÅРLj²” Intel
Corp.ÇX ÀÁÔÇ…²È²ä.

Apple¸¬à²” »ø­m¬ü ­ø ¼ÇX °˜·|ÅÐÁ ´ñ¸]´ AppleInc.ÇX
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Macintosh¼ SuperDrive²” »ø­m¬ü ­ø ¼ÇX °˜·|ÅÐÁ ´ñ¸]´
AppleInc.ÇX ÀÁÔÇ…²È²ä.
Finder,FireWire¸¬à ¼ Safari²” AppleInc.ÇX ÀÁÔÇ…²È²ä.
AppleCare¼ AppleStore²” »ø­m¬ü ­ø ¼ÇX °˜·|ÅÐÁ ´ñ¸]´
AppleInc.ÇX Á¾D¤ ÀÁÔÇ…²È²ä.
MightyMouse©ViacomInternationalInc.º¨´à ­Œ¹¬ ¼ôÇ .
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Bluetooth²èÅ´ ¹ÈÐl ¼ ¸¬à²” BluetoothSIG,Inc.ÅÐÁ

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