Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger Installation and Setup Guide (Manual)

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Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger
Installation and
Setup Guide

øÿ Apple Computer, Inc.
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Installing and Setting Up
Mac OS X

This book describes how to install and set up Mac OS X
on your computer.
If you already have Mac OS X v10.2 or later installed on your computer: All you need to do is upgrade to Tiger. See Upgrading Mac OS X,  below.
To install a fresh system, erase your hard disk before installing Mac OS X, or install additional software: Go to Custom Installations  on page 5.
To find out what version of Mac OS X you have installed on your computer, choose
Apple (øÿ) > About This Mac.

Upgrading Mac OS X
Upgrade to Tiger to get all its great new features. It s easy just follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Insert the Mac OS X Install disc
Double-click the Install Mac OS X icon, then click Restart. The Installer opens automatically when your computer restarts.

Double-click this icon on the Install disc.

Click Restart to begin.


Step 2: Follow the onscreen instructions.

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