LP A 47 01 2017 E

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Test / LP 01/2017
Accuphase A-47

Very gently
A-46 becomes A-47. I was really a little saddened because Accuphase replaced one of the finest power amp artworks, which I've ever had the pleasure to host, by a new model

There is definitely no reason why such a breathtakingly perfect machine like the medium-sized class A Accuphase should be replaced by anything. Perfection cannot be augmented, what else could possibly follow next?
At first glance  absolutely nothing. The A-46 and A-47 are as alike as two peas in a pod. They have identical dimensions, the same weight but for 200 grams, the same power specs. Searching for technical distinctions between the two models turns out to be a toughie. With a time lag of two years, the metrological shootout between both devices will not yield a convincing success either, since both devices operate so close to the limits of our signal-to-noise and distortion measuring equipment that one can by no means conclude factual differences from the results. Yet the manufacturer does propagate them: the new one is said to have an even higher damping factor for connected loads and an even better S/N ratio. Sorry, but this we can't seriously verify: at -113.5 decibels (A) even the A-46 was playing in a range where already switching on the room lights causes a measurement deviation of several decibels.
At this point I would stop, surmising with a shrug that nothing else has happened except for an altered type reference and feel happy that the A-46 experience is now available for an attractive investment. I would  if it weren't for the fact which can hardly be denied that the two power amplifiers do not sound alike. Moreover, we're talking about Accuphase: If there is one manufacturer on this big, wide earth whose seriousness even with regard to their model policy I am most deeply convinced of,
then it's this company based in Yokohama.
One interesting detail in this context: among the roughly 80 staff members of the
Accuphase Laboratory Inc. are 30 engineers. In other words, people who know what they're doing. With many competitors you will be lucky to find even one who is at home in that technical stuff. But very many marketing professionals and software specialists. Meanwhile several things have also come to light which might be able to explain the differences: a modified layout of the input stage is responsible for the further improved S/N ratio, and near the edge of the brochure one can read in tiny

letters that the 230 volts version of the device features an auto shutoff which puts the machine out of operation after two hours. Sounds like another great idea from
The A-47 is the second smallest model in the four-piece ensemble of class A power amps from this manufacturer. Designs with a high quiescent current are reputed to have an especially smooth and sophisticated sound, yet without the performance trees touching the sky, due to the required power dissipations. With the A-47 you won't have to worry about those kinds of things: It puts out way more than what the manufacturer states, it gets warm in a confidence inspiring manner and brings along all the sonic merits you're going to expect from such a device.
In general, what we have here is a mostly balanced power amplifier where a current feedback front end, which has been continuously refined over the years, takes care

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