Logitech K120 For Education One Pager

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Logitech K120 Wired
Keyboard for Education
Dynamic, familiar learning at students' fingertips

Giving students tools they are familiar with goes a long way toward opening their world to learning. A full-size keyboard with one-touch function keys and a number keypad lets them type on a familiar platform so they can focus on what matters most - their schoolwork.


Bold, bright white key characters make it easy for all students to read. And,
they don't rub off even with frequent use.

Adjustable tilt legs allow students to position the keyboard how they like in a manner sturdy enough to stand up to daily use.

At Logitech, we are curious lifelong learners, constantly questioning and inventing. We are relentless in our pursuit of tools that make an impact.
This passion drives us every day to design innovative products that create transformational and accessible experiences for students, teachers and schools.
Supporting education is inherent to our mission as we know that today's students are tomorrow's inventors.



The silicone cover envelopes the entire keyboard, forming a seal around each key to support frequent cleaning while retaining a positive typing experience.

Students enjoy access to the controls they need to

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