Durability, Flexibility, and Ease of Use:
How to Choose the Right Edtech Every Time
A guide for K-12 technology leaders
Finding the perfect fit
Choosing the right educational technology for K-12 schools is a critical decision that affects both students and teachers.
By 2032, K-12 leaders around the world are expected to spend
2.4 billion each year on edtech hardware, software, and services. With so many options available and so many resources at stake, it's important to find solutions that maximize budgets,
offer daily opportunities for better learning, and fit student and educator needs.
Choosing the right edtech every time involves looking at several factors, such as the budget impact of a solution over time, whether it fits seamlessly into various learning spaces and activities, and whether it can save time and energy for busy teachers. This guide explores the process of evaluating edtech from all angles, so that
K-12 technology leaders can make informed choices that benefit the entire school community.
The ultimate goal is to explore how technology and digitization can add value, not only in terms of learning for students, but also in terms of the relationships between them.
Daniel Pretto, CTO, Director, ?cole-Coll?ge Saint-Joseph
NAQ (need-to-ask questions)
Making the right K-12 edtech purchases revolves around these need-to-ask questions.
What kind of learning does the solution support?
Does the solution work for both in-person and remote students? Does it boost collaboration, creativity,
or engagement? What activities does it enhance?
Does the solution require professional development?
Is the solution durable enough that students and educators can use it without intervention? Does the solution have plug-and-play functionality?
Does the solution hold up to frequent student use?
Is the solution well-built enough to help the school avoid a cycle of buying-breaking-replacing? Does it feature replaceable or swappable parts? Does it come