Logitech Commercial Digital Writing Products

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Bring your pen and paper processes into the digital world. Since pen and paper remain the easiest and most comfortable way for workers to be productive, Logitech s digital writing solutions can improve and automate the form-dependent processes on which so many companies rely. Without changing how employees work, the adoption of digital writing eliminates the inefficiencies in the existing processes with a flexible, cost-effective solution. The digital writing system consists of 3
components: pen, software and paper.

Logitech has the digital pen that fits any custom digital writing solution. Logitech has the most experience and expertise in producing digital writing solutions; our pens provide the the comfort, quality and innovation of a brand customers have trusted for over 20 years.
The io2 Pen
The new Logitech pen offers performance and reliability in a compact size, and is the perfect solution for mobile professionals,
office workers, or any organization looking to improve operations. It is available in two different configurations: a metallic finish for a premium pen appearance or for industrial usage and a black matte finish with end-loop for kiosk attachment or pendant usage and a recessed label ID
Cradle configurations include a sturdy desktop cradle and a compact collapsible travel cradle. Both are USB-powered and require no additional power adapter.
(Available in many configurations, Logitech digital pens and cradles can be purchased from select partners and distributors.)

Logitech Commercial Digital Writing Products
Visit the Logitech Business Solutions Center for case studies, a complete product catalog, software, support, or download the Logitech io2 for
Business Kit at www.logitechio.com/iobusiness

To contact a Sales Representative in:
US: infoAMR@logitechio.com
EUR: infoEU@logitechio.com


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