Logic Studio Installing Your Software Upgrade - Support

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Installing Your Software
This booklet is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible with
Logic Studio. The following is covered:
 About the Logic Studio Box  on page 2.
 About Onscreen Help  on page 4.
 Upgrading Mac OS X and QuickTime  on page 5.
 Installing Logic Studio  on page 6.
 Installing Content  on page 9.
 Registering Logic Studio  on page 11.
 Contacting AppleCare Service and Support  on page 12.
Please ensure that you also review the Before You Install Logic Studio document (on the
Logic Studio Installation DVD). For the latest information on Logic Studio, visit the
Logic Studio website at http://www.apple.com/logicstudio.


About the Logic Studio Box
Logic Studio includes all of the installation and content discs required to install
Logic Pro 8, MainStage, WaveBurner 1.5, Soundtrack Pro 2, and Compressor 3.
Logic Studio also includes printed and PDF documentation that will introduce you to these applications.

Installation and Content DVDs
The following DVDs contain software, documentation, and additional media.
 Logic Studio Installation DVD: This is your installation disc. Use this DVD to install all application software, plug-ins, and onscreen help.
 Jam Packs 1 to 3 and Audio Content 1 to 3 DVDs: These discs contain an extensive library of sound effects, music beds, and loops in the Apple Loops format. They also provide a collection of sample-based software instruments.
Important: The Apple Loops on these discs are in the Core Audio Format (CAF).
These files use Apple Lossless compression to retain the highest audio quality, with minimal hard disk space requirements. Older Apple Loops files were based on the
AIFF format.
 Logic Studio Demo Songs and Tutorials DVD: This DVD contains a collection of demo songs and video tutorials for your Logic Studio applications. The disk is also a DVDVideo, so you may view the tutorials using the DVD Player application or any compatible, stand-alone DVD player.
Note: To make use of the demo songs, simply copy the Demo Songs folder from the
DVD onto your hard disk. You should not play back demo songs directly from the
DVD, as this will generally not work.

Printed Documentation
In addition to this document, you will find the following printed material in your
Logic Studio box:
 Logic Pro 8 User Manual: This book is the final arbiter on all things in Logic Pro, and covers all areas of the program in detail, with the exception of plug-ins.
 Logic Studio Instruments and Effects: This book covers the use of all Logic Studio effect and instrument plug-ins. It is a universal guide for all Logic Studio applications that allow access to instruments or effects. It does not cover the application-specific

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